I was also thinking that the fluctuations shouldn't matter too much, until a higher exposure photo turned brighter than one with a lower exposure.
I am not saying that I think this is the problem.
Yes, this should probably be added to the trunk. If you have a complete patch ready to go, it would normally go in http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,650.0.html but I have my eye on this thread here, so no need to repost.Since it only changes it if the camera has changed the value, I guess we don't even need to decide which cameras it applies to. Of course, they must have ext_tv_range implemented for this to work.
Hello,I' m really happy about this fix, but, I'm a newby and I dont know how to use the patch.There is some kind guy that could help me?Many thanksGiorgio
This is a diff patch intended for the autobuild server.(reyalp: can this get added anytime soon? or should I be posting it elsewhere? I think this was against the 820 trunk, do I need to do a more up-to-date one?)
Nothing else you need to do, I just haven't got around to it yet because all my source trees are a mess.FWIW, whims gui for building CHKD http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,845.0.html is reported to be very good and AFAIK even includes applying patches.
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