I have been playing with a very simple camera-to-camera connection, pulsing the focus assist LED on one camera and reading it in the USB on the other camera.
I know this has been done already several times, but I wanted a VERY simple solution... actually the circuit is so simple it's embarassing:
The phototransistor is a BPW77 (but almost any NPN will do) and the resistostor is a 22K trimmer. R goes to the USB red wire, B goes to the black wire (of the slave camera)
The LED I am using is the focus assist LED, for three reasons:
- the Print led (which is often used too) is cumbersome because it's a button (you need to pres it!) and therefore placing the photo-transistor in front of it is a bit tricky
- the Print led sometimes turns on by itself when shooting by night (during noise reduction)
- on cameras like my A570, you can build a nice support for the phototransistor attaching it to a lens adaptor: connecting and removing the phototransistor is extremely simple, thanks to the bayonnet of the adaptor.
This is a photo of the setup. The container is waaay oversized (the only electronics contained in it is a trimmer
) , but I started thinking about using a microcontroller with a lot of options, then I decided to KISS.
Power currently comes from 3 AA batteries,. but consumption is so little that the whole thing could be powered by button batteries and re-built as a tiny thing...
Proof-of-concept video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hys6EdIo7w8#normalThe camera on the right has a LUA script sending pulses to the LED, the camera on the left has an uBasic script receiving them. There's no need to have different languages on the two sides, of course :-)
If I have time during the weekend, I would like to develop a Lua script to send/receive serial information.
What I am aiming to is a night-time panoramic time-lapse with a modified verions of the sunset script. In this case a master camera will calculate exposure and inform the slave camera of the settings to use...
There were at least two threads speaking about this, but I can't find them.... Doe anybody else feel the search function in the forum is buggy???