Thanks for all the help, David.
First step, I downloaded the common files, and the A1.01A/1.01B software from Masuji's site again. Tried once again to install, but the cam came up with the same message, 'memory card error!'.
Second step, I downloaded the CHDK software from the site you provided, replaced the SDM version of the .bin file with the CHDK version. I downloaded the files to the SD card, locked it, and booted the camera with it. It seemed to work, but showed, very briefly, a red rectangular message about CHDK, but it was gone before I could read it. This time, though, there were new icons, with a % battery guage for example, at the top of the screen. This, I assume, indicated that the CHDK software was now running.
Can I assume that any functions of SPM now work, accordng to instructions? The camera I set up with CHDK was the right-image one, so would the expected flash ratio of right-camera-normal, left-camera--4stops work now?
It looks good, but I still have to make my cable. I have a 3 - triple-A battery pack I could use, but I'm thinking the amperage might be too high, and I should use 3 button cells instead. I'll be hitting the dollar stores after lunch :-) I'm in Montreal, so it's only 10:50 a.m. here.
Thanks again. I'll give you an update after I have everything set up.
BTW, I just joined the Yahoo SDM group. I'm 'centennial3d' over there, also in stereo3dXchange and photo3D groups.