I'm a bit of a newbie here, so forgive me if I'm asking a question that's already been answered. I've had CHDK on my camera for a while now & it's really VERY good.
I've just come up with a new project, and for this I want 2 way comms from an Arduino (small remote programmable controller) to my IXUS 70. Using CHDK's USB remote, I will be able to make the Arduino take a pic, but I want to have the IXUS tell the Arduino that the picture has finished taking. Is this possible via the USB? Does the current change? I'm guessing this isn't possible.
If it isn't possible via the USB, presumably I could program the LCD to flash & detect that light change using a LDR or similar.
Failing both of these, I will just program in a wait of the longest likely focus & expose time.
For those interested, my idea is to use an Arduino, some servos a USB likn & some servos to take large scale panoramas automatically, then use microsoft ICE to auto stich them together (