Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist

  • 11 Replies
Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« on: 12 / November / 2009, 06:32:13 »
Sensory Room UV Mural Time lapse

this was painted in a Handicapped centre In the foothills of the Himalayas in Northern India Pathankot, in the spring of 2009

using a canon ixus 75 camera and using stills with long exposure for Ultra violet effect then a standard shot for normal lighting....

I actually painted it without the light and returned a couple of weeks later with a bulb to finish it off and reveal the lighting effect....

I am new to CHDK and would love it if some of you seasoned Timelapsers could help me find some ways to shoot timelapse In Ultraviolet settings

couple of features I would love to use would be slightly longer delay say 4 to 6 sec instead of the standard 1 or 2 sec and longer exposure would also be amazing.....

here is one I painted of my van which also glows in UV

Ultra Violet Van Timelapse (Final Edit)

I have more let me know what you think....


cant believe that this exists by the way one free download and my already fantastic camera turns into a super computer!!!
« Last Edit: 12 / November / 2009, 08:40:06 by earthtriber »

Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #1 on: 12 / November / 2009, 07:46:58 »
this was painted in a Handicapped centre In the foothills of the Himalayas in Northern India Pathankot, Northern India in the spring of 2009

I see the YouTube comments are 12 months old and you refer to the English weather ?

couple of features I would love to use would be slightly longer delay say 4 to 6 sec instead of the standard 1 or 2 sec and longer exposure would also be amazing.....

Not sure what you mean, those delays and exposures should not be a problem.
Can you explain in greater detail ?
I have more let me know what you think....

Excellent work, very original !!

Even more impressive is the fact that you seem to be the only person in the World, apart from me, who can spell the word 'fluorescent'   :)

I am sick of seeing flourescent and florescent, even on the NVidia site !


Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #2 on: 12 / November / 2009, 08:37:07 »
thanks Microfunguy

Even more impressive is the fact that you seem to be the only person in the World, apart from me, who can spell the word 'fluorescent'

tell me about it lets face it that fluorescent is not that easy but most people I meet still call murals Murial's

I see the YouTube comments are 12 months old and you refer to the English weather ?

The van was painted in Suffolk and the weather got very Autumn like very fast so I would paint it would be to damp for the paint to set so I moved the van to a friends work shed in Ely where I was protected from most of the Elements....

Not sure what you mean, those delays and exposures should not be a problem.
Can you explain in greater detail ?

Photography rarely captures the iridescence of Ultra violet I find that a longer exposure and tweaking it on photoshop saturation lifts the whole image so a more vibrant film with slightly longer exposure would be great... its hard to do the painting justice and i try to get as close an effect to standing in the room with them as possible.....

The main thing I find with youtube is you have about 3 mins to capture peoples attention and then YouTube adhd kicks in and they are off..... so in the hunt for the perfect speed of capture I find that speeding up my time-lapse on premiere pro about 3000% gets it to a good pace..... I would love to have more seconds choice to play with time-lapse..... at the moment my camera does 1 and 2 seconds to have 3 4 5 6 seconds would be great....

I also get that great blur effec t on me by rendering the edit at two or three different % of speed so start at 100% then render 300% and final render at 3000%

I have a question for fellow time-lapse enthusiasts.... which is their favourite cannon camera for time lapse footage?
« Last Edit: 12 / November / 2009, 08:39:24 by earthtriber »

Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #3 on: 12 / November / 2009, 08:49:49 »
Sorry, I was looking at the text for the Himalayan video and wondered why the van video referred to England (where I am, or at least five miles from the border).

I thought you were using CHDK but obviously not.

Yes, you can do want you want and a lot more .. if necessary.

Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #4 on: 12 / November / 2009, 09:17:06 »
awesome..... is it a separate code I need or do I dig it out from chdk

Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #5 on: 12 / November / 2009, 09:39:14 »
The quick-and-dirty way of doing this is to download the build for your ixus75 from here :

Start with the last one to begin with and download the small version.

Download Common_files.zip from the SDM website in order to get file sdminst.exe .

Insert a memory card of 4GB or less in your card-reader and run sdminst.exe.

Make sure you correctly identify the drive letter for your removable media.
Click the button to make the card bootable.
Copy your CHDK DISKBOOT.BIN to the card and lock it.
Insert in camera and power-up.
If camera crashes download other build and try that, you have four to choose from.

Let us know when that works.


Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #6 on: 12 / November / 2009, 09:49:07 »
I have that in and working ready for the next step...

 thank you for your time David this is all very much appreciated!
« Last Edit: 12 / November / 2009, 09:53:19 by earthtriber »

Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #7 on: 12 / November / 2009, 09:52:12 »
is it possible to get power supply in the ixus 75? for the longer films.... i do have three battery's though...

Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #8 on: 12 / November / 2009, 09:58:50 »
excited :P

Re: Ixus Time Lapse by an Ultra violet artist
« Reply #9 on: 12 / November / 2009, 10:03:41 »
Well, the manual on page 144 mentions a compact power adapter rated at 4.3V 1.5A.

You could use a 6V sealed lead-acid accumulator and put two or three diodes in the +ve lead to drop the voltage to a more suitable value.

I do not know anything about timelapse with CHDK, I can certainly tell you how to do it with SDM.

Read these two pages :


Temporarily replace your existing DISKBOOT.BIN with the version from this page :



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