S90 Porting Thread - page 2 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

S90 Porting Thread

  • 397 Replies
Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #10 on: 01 / January / 2010, 16:47:22 »
Having spent a chunk of the evening swapping cards in and out using the diskboot.bin and the LED finder code, I can confirm that the LED address for the S90 is 0xC0223030. Now, guess I'll need to try and dig out an old mouse to cannibalise...

Great news!  How did you dance the binary?  I never was able to get the camera to respond.  If I were home I'd like to take another shot at dumping the firmware using your binary, but I won't be home for a couple weeks yet.


Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #11 on: 01 / January / 2010, 17:31:03 »

Great news!  How did you dance the binary?  I never was able to get the camera to respond.  If I were home I'd like to take another shot at dumping the firmware using your binary, but I won't be home for a couple weeks yet.


diskboot.bin of the jeff666 LED finder and danced version 3. Took a few compiles to binary search the address range. All being well, I should be able to pick up some components tomorrow and get the firmware blinked out, other software methods haven't proven successful so far.

Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #12 on: 01 / January / 2010, 20:56:51 »
sounds like the first step is nearly done. can't expect chdk for my s90 but unfortunatly ive got no clue about c or assambler so i dont see a way to help out. as you can see im a newbie in this so if there is anything i can do pls bring it up here :)


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Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #13 on: 02 / January / 2010, 06:42:01 »
I can confirm that the LED address for the S90 is 0xC0223030. Now, guess I'll need to try and dig out an old mouse to cannibalise...
I am currently working on the G11 CHDK port, and what i can say is, that the G11 also uses this adress for AF-Light. For dumping the G11 code via LED i used the grand_blink_g7 code with this delay for 9600 bps:
"#define DEL 1260*2", maybe this is also need for the S90. Or if you use the "Blinker_Java_Version_by_Sirius", i used "#define DELAY_COUNT   154 " for a successfull 9600bps dump.
The used HW of S90 and G11 are not so different i think, and so the delay values could be equal. ;)

Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #14 on: 02 / January / 2010, 09:34:35 »
I am currently working on the G11 CHDK port, and what i can say is, that the G11 also uses this adress for AF-Light. For dumping the G11 code via LED i used the grand_blink_g7 code with this delay for 9600 bps:
"#define DEL 1260*2", maybe this is also need for the S90. Or if you use the "Blinker_Java_Version_by_Sirius", i used "#define DELAY_COUNT   154 " for a successfull 9600bps dump.
The used HW of S90 and G11 are not so different i think, and so the delay values could be equal. ;)

These days I have no machine with a serial port at all. I'll have to try soundcard. I have my doubts that this will work too well.

EDIT: Spent far too long on this now, cannot get the adc.exe to do anything with the recordings at all and have no serial port to be able to do anything else with.

OK, I dug out my old amiga for something with a serial port on and am dumping to that :)

edit: can't seem to find a good distance for solid data transmission.
« Last Edit: 02 / January / 2010, 15:07:21 by rachelkitty »

Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #15 on: 02 / January / 2010, 14:42:27 »
I just wanted to offer some words of encouragement to all of you on the S90 firmware dump.  Thanks for giving this a serious effort! 

The S90 is a fantastic camera with a lot of capabilities.  But CKDK would allow for correcting one big deficinecy that I am not happy with - that is the low bit rate on the video.



Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #16 on: 02 / January / 2010, 17:11:45 »
OK, well, finally managed to get stable data transmission with no errors but only at 1200bps. Dumping rom at the moment, gonna take a long time tho :)

Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #17 on: 02 / January / 2010, 17:25:00 »
Hope your batteries are fully charged  :)

Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #18 on: 02 / January / 2010, 17:39:32 »
thankfully, yes, i'm keeping an eye on the last reached address tho, in case i need to recharge and restart later on.

Re: S90 Porting Thread
« Reply #19 on: 03 / January / 2010, 09:40:23 »
OK, this is the finished dump from address 0xFF810000. All addresses from 0xFF800000 to 0xFF810000 were value 0xFF. All addresses after the end of this file are value 0xFF as well.

EDIT: New dump, 0xFF810000 - 0xFFFFFFFF, previous one was flawed
« Last Edit: 04 / January / 2010, 11:13:45 by rachelkitty »


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