Batch erase - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Batch erase

  • 2 Replies

Offline fudgey

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Batch erase
« on: 04 / May / 2008, 10:10:19 »
I didn't know if there was a better way for this (maybe I just haven't read the user's manual properly), but it bugs me that it takes a whole lot of effort to get rid of a hundred test shots from the memory card when there's other images I like to save on the card as well. It seems I either need to format the card or delete one by one.

So, here's a script which will "click erase", "click set" repeatedly for "erase count" times. On the a570is, this key combination is what erases an image in play mode. If this is the case for your camera as well, this script likely works for you. The required key press delays probably vary with your camera and card speed and the size of images/movies you are deleting.

Use in PLAY MODE, preferably in the 3x3 jpeg review mode (for fastest speed and to most conveniently follow what's happening). This script is not one bit faster than doing this manually, but it will save my fingers and nerves.  :D

Code: [Select]
rem Play mode script for batch deletion of images by pressing
rem the erase button and set button repeatedly.
rem Author: fudgey 20080504
rem Tested on a570is.
@title Batch Erase
@param a Erase count
@default a 9
@param b Erase key delay (10 ms)
@default b 8
@param c Set key delay (100 ms)
@default c 10

if b<0 then b=0 else b=b*10
if c<0 then c=0 else c=c*100

print "Press MENU to erase"
print a," images. Press any"
print "other key to exit."

is_key k "menu"
if k<>1 then goto "safeexit"

for i=1 to a
  click "erase"
  sleep b
  click "set"
  print "Erasing image ", i, " of ", a
  sleep c
next i

print "Canceled."


Offline carlos

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Re: Batch erase
« Reply #1 on: 04 / May / 2008, 13:18:24 »
It seems I either need to format the card or delete one by one.

fudgey, there's another option:

Lock your desired shots (Playback Menu > Protect) one by one, then "Erase All" (others).




Offline fudgey

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Re: Batch erase
« Reply #2 on: 04 / May / 2008, 15:25:45 »
Lock your desired shots (Playback Menu > Protect) one by one, then "Erase All" (others).

Ah didn't remember that one, thanks! That's certainly useful when there aren't many shots worth saving on the card.


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