Hey Tom
My situation paralleled yours, went thru all the same steps but script wouldn't start. What did you do to get it working?
I have the PS A540
Hello Richard,
Ii had initially copied & loaded the last script on this page:
http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/UBASIC/Scripts:_Ultra_Intervalometer , and could not get it to work.
I deleted it along with the newly created config file on the SD card.
My config file read as created years ago, I moved it into another folder and upon first boot another was created with the same (years ago date) Next I copied the script about 1/3 of the way down the page (listed above) that is listed directly under this heading:
Script Code (save as "ult_intrvl.bas" to your /SCRIPTS/ folder), into the CHDK/Script folder on the large partition of my SD card.
Got itWhen I loaded this script it worked, but I had to go through these steps: #1 - I had to make sure that when I turned the camera on I held the on button long enough for the lens to open.
Maybe you have auto boot? I have to start in play mode, load the firmware then go into record mode #2 - Then I pushed the Print (ALT) button to get into ALT mode.
OK #3 - Then I pressed the Function/Set button and loaded the script.
OK #4 - Then I pressed the menu button which took the script menus off of the screen leaving just the name of the loaded script visible at the bottom of the screen. #5 - Then I pressed the shutter button and it worked perfectly.
No #6 - Pressing the shutter button again stops the script.
Note that if the name of the script that you want to run is not visible at the bottom of the screen after completing steps # 1 through 4, before you press the shutter button to run it, it will not work.
I hope this helps.
The basic script included with CHDK works btw, I'll just have to keep playing. This is frustating of all the features this is the one I really wanted