Combined exposure and focus bracketing. - page 3 - Microfunguy's Builds - CHDK Forum

Combined exposure and focus bracketing.

  • 38 Replies
Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #20 on: 20 / December / 2009, 11:01:34 »
You might like to try this latest version for IXUS860:-

Move the two new files to the PARAMS folder and load script time_lapse.bas.

Now, in menu go to Scripts.

Select parameter set 1.

For any one script, you can have ten sets of parameter values.
These are just text files so you can copy-and-paste an existing one, change
the numeric suffix in the filename and then edit the script parameters.
The new feature is that there can be up to four occurences of the keyword
'@desc'   (description) followed by your own text that describes what the
script with this particular set of parameters does.
You can quickly browse the parameter sets and read the descriptions, you do
not need to remember which parameters to change.

We forgot one important thing about bracketing in continuous mode ... Canon continuous-shooting mode expects the  image-capture to be done very quickly.

Well, there must be a maximum time before it times-out.
We can test that without using SDM.
Set a long exposure manually and try continuous-shooting.

Probably just a few seconds maximum as the firmware will require the same amount of time for dark-frame subtraction.


Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #21 on: 20 / December / 2009, 14:23:39 »

Ok, sounds good! I will try these things and report back once again. Thanks!

Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #22 on: 21 / December / 2009, 17:43:05 »
A tiny update David.. I have my final exam before the holidays tomorrow so I've had my hands full with that. After the exam I should have all the time in the world to play with the camera. ~ A week from the 24th I won't have access to the internet but that doesn't stop me from testing the latest version of the build/script as I will have my laptop too.

We forgot one important thing about bracketing in continuous mode ... Canon continuous-shooting mode expects the  image-capture to be done very quickly.

Well, there must be a maximum time before it times-out.
We can test that without using SDM.
Set a long exposure manually and try continuous-shooting.

Probably just a few seconds maximum as the firmware will require the same amount of time for dark-frame subtraction.

I tried this very quickly: I set the camera to manual mode continous shooting and the exposure to 15secs. After about 2 minutes and 4 pictures my finger got tired so it seems like it is capable of going on for quite some time (infinity?).

Merry Xmas to You too David :)


Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #23 on: 21 / December / 2009, 18:30:52 »
There may be a problem with that new property-set description feature because of how files are named on your camera (but not on mine).
We can return to that later.

Merry Xmas to you Thomas.


Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #24 on: 30 / December / 2009, 08:15:08 »

Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #25 on: 30 / December / 2009, 08:35:57 »

Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #26 on: 30 / December / 2009, 09:55:55 »


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Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #27 on: 30 / December / 2009, 10:36:08 »

Actually it does not do that, at least not with the 860. It starts taking pictures with the focus values according to the autofocus mode but it always stops at 10 images and this is never enough. This is really quite a big problem as this makes the script unusable for the 860 for exposure + focus stacking.

Sure it does, I just tried with my 860 and got a stack of 19 images.

Try This

In script:
single/cont/time/burst = 1
bracketTv/foc/Both = 1
equal/auto/digi 0-2 = 1
save stack N/Y 0/1 = 1

Now first go out of ALT mode.
Set camera to continuous shooting
Set camera to macro (close-up_ and focus on something +/- 5cm in front of the camera by half press of the shutter.

Now go back into ALT mode and execute the script.

My saved stack file:

Auto focus bracketing                             

Continuous shooting mode                         

Time                       17:29:20

Focal length         4.6
Aperture             2.8

Focused distances (from front of lens) 
and step size                           

    53         0
    55         2
    57         2
    61         4
    65         4
    69         4
    75         6
    81         6
    89         8
    99        10
   112        13
   129        17
   153        24
   189        36
   247        58
   360       113
   671       311
  5170      4499
   Inf     60365

Frans van de Kamp

Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #28 on: 30 / December / 2009, 10:54:02 »
Thanks for your reply Frans. I wasn't being clear enough: the autofocus problem is an issue only with custom timer mode and not with continous mode. The reason I can't use continuous mode either is its inability to use shutter speeds that are long enough, as I stated earlier in the thread.

P.S. the ultimate goal is to get a working solution for focus + exposure stacking that allows for both long shutter speeds and more than 10 different focus values. At the moment this is not possible with this script and the 860.
« Last Edit: 30 / December / 2009, 10:58:43 by whatevertsunami »


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Re: Combined exposure and focus bracketing.
« Reply #29 on: 30 / December / 2009, 10:55:29 »
And here is the result of the stacked image.

The object in front is my cigarette lighter.



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