"CDHK" to be featured on photography podcast TWIP - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

"CDHK" to be featured on photography podcast TWIP

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"CDHK" to be featured on photography podcast TWIP
« on: 25 / December / 2009, 20:48:34 »
I was listening to episode 121 (the latest as I write this) of the "This Week in Photography" podcast, available here:


and at the very end (about 1:24:00) Alex Lindsay says he's going to do a trial of "CDHK" and make a video of the trial for the podcast.  And I just wondered if anyone here knows Alex and could help him with his testing (and make sure he gets it right).

This all came about as a result of Alex mentioning in previous episodes that he uses a Ricoh R10 P&S (over $300) solely to make timelapse sequences (it has that function built in).  And at least one listener (me) asked the musical question - why spend 300 bucks on that camera when a long list of Canon P&S's can do this for free with CHDK installed?

So it looks like Alex is going to give it a whirl.  I would just hope one of the gurus here might contact him and make sure there's no confusion about what CHDK does, and how, and, uh, it's name.

The support site for the podcast, with show notes and listener question/suggestion submissions, is here:


Actually, I think it would be great if one of the major CHDK experts could participate in the podcast episode.  I think they do remote audio and video with Skype, unless someone could go to Petaluma and participate live.


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