i also own an G11 and try to make a firmware dump. But actually i am not able to find the LED adresses.
I installed the GCC/CHDK Stuff and i was able to compile the CHDK CVS code, so development enviroment works.
Then i compiled one of the LED Blinking sourcecodes, which trys the adress range 0xC0220000 .. 0xC0223000, and put the diskboot.bin on an 2GB SDHC Cards (card was previously made bootable with Cardtricks), then i put the write protected SDHC-Card into the G11 and started the camera via push of the PLAY button. The camera does not start, display&led stays dark. Usually this is a good sign, because it looks looks like the camera trys to boot the diskboot.bin, right? I wait 3 Minutes, but none of the LEDs goes on.
I then tried to use the dancingbits tool on the diskboot.bin with option 1..3, but also with the modified diskboot.bin, i cant see any LEDs lightning.
So at this point i simply don't know if the G11 executes my created diskboot.bin, or crashes. Or have i to wait longer until the LEDs shows any lightning? How long "normaly" takes the boot process and how long i have to wait until i know alle LEDs adresses are probeded ( e.g. in the range from 0xC0220000 .. 0xC0223000). Is there a trick to know, that my code is even executed?