Whoo... GREAT, looks like the breakthrough is near! What else has to be done before a release of the CHDK-baby, ERR99? 
So, i think its time for a field test of the current (beta) version.
I cant test every chdk feature on the G11, so lets grow the numbers of testers to do this.
It would be great if you (and of course all other G11/CHDK interested people here) could test this version and post here
how it performs. So i am interested to know, if its stable enough for a release and if all main features are working (or not).
The known restrictions of this version are:
- ND-Filter support via CHDK disabled (assert crashes the camera)
- Remove directory does not work (if used e.g. via lua script)
- Parameter for RAW->DNG conversion are not fully updated. I need the values for cam_CFAPattern, CAM_COLORMATRIX1, cam_CalibrationIlluminant1, CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_xxx in camera.h, so maybe someone out here who knows how to get this values can evaluate this values with this release and post it here.
- The original g11 menus very often draw, scroll, etc. one the screen. This can lead to disappearing chdk menus. Simply push a button or use the jogdial in ALT mode an the menu will redrawn.
- The config autosave is still disabled for debugging reasons. If you wish to save your current config, select "Save options now..." in the CHDK Main-menu.
How to install:
- Make card bootable (e.g use cardtricks.exe)
- Copy the attached diskboot.bin into SD-Card root folder
- Optional: Copy the standard CHDK folder on your sd-card (to get the nice splash-screen and so)
- Make sure that the SD-Card write protect switch is set correctly, so CHDK can boot.
In case of an error (if the camera switches off / crashes), please re-power on the G11 and go into the "Miscellaenous stuff->Debug parameters" menu and choose "save ROMLOG.txt". After this, you have a romlog.txt into the root directory of your sd-card. This can be very helpfull to pinpoint the location of a crash. So if a crash happens, post here how to reproduce it and/or post the romlog.txt.
Key handling:
As usual, a short/standard press of the ON/OFF button powers the camera on into PLAY-Mode. To power on directly in to ON/Shooting mode, hold the ON/OFF key longer (ca. 1s). The ALT-Key is the "S"/Print button on the G11. To enter the CHDK Menu, power camera on, press ALT-Key and then the MENU key.
So, have fun with this version (hopefully
