G11 porting - page 29 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

G11 porting

  • 530 Replies
Re: G11 porting
« Reply #280 on: 17 / January / 2010, 10:57:18 »
I can take pictures, zebra looks 'almost' normal.

So, what has changed, why did it previously crash  ?

Is the green line on the very first row ?

I suppose you could start zebra at row 2.


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #281 on: 17 / January / 2010, 12:03:39 »
Good question. I am not so sure, after the tests with commenting out the zebra code in osd_draw (now the code is active again of course), its does not crash anymore...  :blink:
And yes, the green line (it is not allways green, sometimes the color is mixed) is allways "stable" on the very first row. If will test if starting @row 2 helps.


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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #282 on: 17 / January / 2010, 13:41:22 »
So, what has changed, why did it previously crash  ?

Ah, yes. If found the difference, since i changed  #define ZEBRA_HMARGIN0  30 to  #define ZEBRA_HMARGIN0  0, the crash was gone away. I switched back to  #define ZEBRA_HMARGIN0  30 an the camera crashes again.


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #283 on: 17 / January / 2010, 14:20:54 »
I also got rid of the random pixelline in row 0:

In gui_osd_zebra_init() i added a memclear after the two malloc calls:

Code: [Select]
            scr_buf = vid_get_bitmap_fb();
            cur_buf_top = malloc(screen_buffer_width * ZFIX_TOP);
            cur_buf_bot = malloc(screen_buffer_width * ZFIX_BOTTOM);

            // ERR99: Added buffer memclear
            if (cur_buf_top) memset(cur_buf_top,0,screen_buffer_width * ZFIX_TOP);
            if (cur_buf_bot) memset(cur_buf_bot,0,screen_buffer_width * ZFIX_BOTTOM);

            cur_buf = malloc(screen_buffer_size);

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #284 on: 17 / January / 2010, 14:46:15 »
I do the same in SDM at \core\main.c\allocate_imgbuf() :-

Code: [Select]
 imgbuf = malloc(imgbuf_size);                                

So, what does that leave  ..... edge overlay  ?
« Last Edit: 17 / January / 2010, 14:59:46 by Microfunguy »


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #285 on: 17 / January / 2010, 15:13:45 »
Hmm, i never used edge overlay before (to be honest, before i started porting CHDK to the G11,
i only seen CHDK twice on another camera and have no really experience using CHDK... :haha ) , but i think it is allready working:

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #286 on: 17 / January / 2010, 15:28:30 »
Yes, that looks good.

Useful for stereo photography of distant scenes with a single camera.
You can photograph a town from a hilltop, move a metre or so and use the edge-outline to line-up the second shot.

The two images form a stereo pair.

Because your brain assumes your eyes are about 70mm apart (not a few metres), it makes you think you are looking at a tiny model of the town !

If you save the edge overlay there is an option to save the zoom setting.

When reloading that overlay (maybe one year later), the camera should zoom to the correct position.

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #287 on: 17 / January / 2010, 16:04:44 »

Hmm, i never used edge overlay before (to be honest, before i started porting CHDK to the G11,... but i think it is allready working

Whoo... GREAT, looks like the breakthrough is near! What else has to be done before a release of the CHDK-baby, ERR99?  8)



Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #288 on: 17 / January / 2010, 16:43:45 »
Yes, that looks good.

Useful for stereo photography of distant scenes with a single camera.
You can photograph a town from a hilltop, move a metre or so and use the edge-outline to line-up the second shot.

The two images form a stereo pair.

Because your brain assumes your eyes are about 70mm apart (not a few metres), it makes you think you are looking at a tiny model of the town !

If you save the edge overlay there is an option to save the zoom setting.

When reloading that overlay (maybe one year later), the camera should zoom to the correct position.

Wow, cool feature. I tried the save/load thing and the g11 really zoomes to the correct position. ;)


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #289 on: 17 / January / 2010, 17:22:27 »
Whoo... GREAT, looks like the breakthrough is near! What else has to be done before a release of the CHDK-baby, ERR99?  8)

So, i think its time for a field test of the current (beta) version.
I cant test every chdk feature on the G11, so lets grow the numbers of testers to do this.

It would be great if you (and of course all other G11/CHDK interested people here) could test this version and post here
how it performs. So i am interested to know, if its stable enough for a release and if all main features are working (or not).

The known restrictions of this version are:
- ND-Filter support via CHDK disabled (assert crashes the camera)
- Remove directory does not work (if used e.g. via lua script)
- Parameter for RAW->DNG conversion are not fully updated. I need the values for cam_CFAPattern, CAM_COLORMATRIX1, cam_CalibrationIlluminant1, CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_xxx in camera.h, so maybe someone out here who knows how to get this values can evaluate this values with this release and post it here.
- The original g11 menus very often draw, scroll, etc. one the screen. This can lead to disappearing chdk menus. Simply push a button or use the jogdial in ALT mode an the menu will redrawn.
- The config autosave is still disabled for debugging reasons. If you wish to save your current config, select "Save options now..." in the CHDK Main-menu.

How to install:
- Make card bootable (e.g use cardtricks.exe)
- Copy the attached diskboot.bin into SD-Card root folder
- Optional: Copy the standard CHDK folder on your sd-card (to get the nice splash-screen and so)
- Make sure that the SD-Card write protect switch is set correctly, so CHDK can boot.

In case of an error (if the camera switches off / crashes), please re-power on the G11 and go into the "Miscellaenous stuff->Debug parameters" menu and choose "save ROMLOG.txt". After this, you have a romlog.txt into the root directory of your sd-card. This can be very helpfull to pinpoint the location of a crash. So if a crash happens, post here how to reproduce it and/or post the romlog.txt.

Key handling:
As usual, a short/standard press of the ON/OFF button powers the camera on into PLAY-Mode. To power on directly in to ON/Shooting mode, hold the ON/OFF key longer (ca. 1s). The ALT-Key is the "S"/Print button on the G11. To enter the CHDK Menu, power camera on, press ALT-Key and then the MENU key.

So, have fun with this version (hopefully  :P ).


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