G11 porting - page 45 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

G11 porting

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Offline KaLi

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #440 on: 24 / March / 2010, 14:26:51 »

If you're german speaking, I would suggest


in the german chdk forum. I found a nice (german) website with a (working) link to the hitachi driver and some info, how to get things work -- in the german forum,  I posted my findings.

The hitachi driver works very well. It sits in WinXP between the system usb/card driver and the card reader and filters the bit, which gives WinXP the info, if the connected device is a harddisk or a removable media. With this driver, WinXP uses the sd-card in a card-reader as a harddisk and both partitions can be accessed directly without partition-switching.

On my Mac, I don't need a special driver. There the double-partition-card can be accesed by default.

I've tried to find the lexmark bootit tool, but couldn't find it. Otherwiese, the lexar tool can only used once to set the bit to "harddisk"... and then, the card is a harddisk for lifetime. So, the hitachi driver is preferable.

If you only speak english, I would suggest to google for "xpfildrvr1224_320.zip" (the name of the filter-driver-package) or "hitachi +microdrive +driver", and maybe, you will find a tutorial for installation in english -- probably in an eee-pc forum.
« Last Edit: 24 / March / 2010, 14:28:24 by KaLi »
any bad photo is much better than any photo not shot...

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #441 on: 11 / April / 2010, 21:10:05 »

Do you know if ubasic_set_led is working correctly with firmware 100f ?

In particular, the autofocus led ?

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #442 on: 12 / April / 2010, 02:58:05 »

I been having something weird happening on my G11 1.00L.  When I go to turn it on, or sometimes when I turn it on with the Play button, the camera starts up and then shuts off again.  It seems to be a new phenomenon.  I didn't notice it a little while ago, but now it seems to happen about every other time I try to turn on the camera.  Matter of fact, tonight at a birthday party, the camera shut off 3 times in a row before I got it to boot up.

I am currently only using the battery display, the Super Fine JPG override setting and have 2 scripts (time lapse and motion detection) on the camera.  I am not using the zebra, games or CHDK raw settings.

Is anybody else having this happen or am I just getting unlucky.  And yes, my battery is at over 90% charge, so it is not that.

Any idea what it could be?



Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #443 on: 12 / April / 2010, 03:40:25 »
Strange thing... A romlog would be helpfull, but for that you need a special chdk build.
For now, you can try to start with a fresh config file. So save you CHDK.CFG from the SD-Card on your computer and then delete the CHDK.CFG file on the SD-Card. Then check if the problem is gone. If it so, change the configuration of CHDK as you wish, but please test after every single change if the camera is still starting up correctly.


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #444 on: 12 / April / 2010, 03:44:06 »

Do you know if ubasic_set_led is working correctly with firmware 100f ?

In particular, the autofocus led ?

I tested it once, (long time ago...) on the 1.00J. At it was possible to set all LEDs via set_led. But i was lazy and put the LEDs 'unsorted' into the set_led array, so maybe the index number for AF-LED is different then expected.


Offline fe50

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #445 on: 12 / April / 2010, 05:00:49 »
In case ERR99's instructions don't help:
Also check the card's filesystem, or better backup your images and then format the card.
In the past there were some (rare) reports of issues like yours when the fs was corrupted or
very fragmented, sometimes also on cards with a big amount of files, especially on slow SD cards...

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #446 on: 12 / April / 2010, 06:01:40 »
Thanks.  I did check that and the filesystem seems to be ok.  It is a decent card (class 4, 4gb SanDisk Extreme) and it only has about 525 files (~1gb worth of images) and I am guessing a good quarter of them are CHDK related files. 

So, I will see if that helps and report back.


Got something funny going on.  The file CCHDK.CFG now has a date of 01/01/2000 12:00 AM.
The backup card has a date of 03/18/2010.... So somehow when this file seems to be written, the date is now getting wiped out.

Anyways, I will delete this and see if that works.

Also, noticed something funny (and not sure what they are for).  In the DCIM folder, the camera is creating a folder called CANONMSC (I am not shooting RAW files) and in this folder are a bunch of 1K files  with consecutive numbers: M0100.CTG --> M0118.CTG)  The funny thing, these files seem to have the creation time which seems to be around the time that I remember trying to turn my camera on and it shutting off.  Are these file relevent and is this just a coincidence?


Re: G11 porting
« Reply #447 on: 12 / April / 2010, 06:02:26 »
i was lazy and put the LEDs 'unsorted' into the set_led array, so maybe the index number for AF-LED is different then expected.

The led array is the same for all firmware versions.

Are you saying the numbers in the table are correct but maybe not in the right order ?

The only other possibility is that the address of _LedDrive is incorrect but you would expect that to crash the camera.


The tester has just told me the orange led lit  ... on the BACK of the camera !

I had previously removed the 'set_led' command from SDM, I will now reintroduce it as it makes debugging this type of problem easier.
« Last Edit: 12 / April / 2010, 09:02:47 by Microfunguy »


Offline fe50

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #448 on: 12 / April / 2010, 07:19:15 »
Also, noticed something funny (and not sure what they are for).  In the DCIM folder, the camera is creating a folder called CANONMSC (I am not shooting RAW files) and in this folder are a bunch of 1K files  with consecutive numbers: M0100.CTG --> M0118.CTG)
The .ctg files are Canon catalog files with additional image informations, used by some Canon Software, e.g. ZoomBrowser.
The camera creates the files automatically; it looks like that the catalog files are scanned by the Canon firmware when the camera powers on - with lots of files or corrupted images on the card this process could take some seconds.

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #449 on: 12 / April / 2010, 16:14:36 »

Only one of the led's is reported as lighting.

Try this script :-

Code: [Select]
@title led test
@param a led number (4-10, 6 unused)
@default a 9
print "LED number ",a
sleep 2000
set_led a 1
sleep 3000
set_led a  0


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