G11 porting - page 46 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

G11 porting

  • 530 Replies
Re: G11 porting
« Reply #450 on: 14 / April / 2010, 11:07:53 »
Hi ERR99.
It looks like you are using wrong property case for WhiteBalance.
From where did that value came from?
#define PROPCASE_WB_ADJ     270
In the firmware G11 100F I found following code:
Code: (asm) [Select]
ROM:FF8B79BC                 MOV     R2, #0x1C
ROM:FF8B79C0                 ADD     R4, R2, #0xF3
ROM:FF8B79C4                 MOV     R0, R4
ROM:FF8B79C8                 MOV     R1, SP
ROM:FF8B79CC                 BL      PT_GetPropertyCaseString
R0=R4=R2+0xF3=0x1C+0xF3=0x10F=271 (NOT 270!)


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #451 on: 14 / April / 2010, 16:02:43 »
Hi ERR99.
It looks like you are using wrong property case for WhiteBalance.
From where did that value came from?
I used the propbrowser to check which propnumber is changing, if i change the whitebalance mode in the canon oem menu ( from AWB, to daylight, cloudy, etc. It changes from 0...7). And prop 270 was the one who was changing. Is this wrong, and PROPCASE_WB_ADJ means something else?


Offline ewavr

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #452 on: 14 / April / 2010, 16:18:48 »
if i change the whitebalance mode in the canon oem menu ( from AWB, to daylight, cloudy, etc. It changes from 0...7). And prop 270 was the one who was changing. Is this wrong, and PROPCASE_WB_ADJ means something else?
Prop 270 is white balance mode (Auto, Day Light, Cloudy etc.) - not used in CHDK.
Prop 271 (maybe) is white balance fine tuning (color channel multipliers, 28 bytes for propset 1-2) - CHDK requires this one (PROPCASE_WB_ADJ). Used in DNG for "white balance embedding".


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #453 on: 14 / April / 2010, 17:55:16 »
Aaaah, okay. Thanks for the clarification. Currently, DNG support for G11 is disabled anyway, so this error does not hurt so much. ;)
Anyway, i will change the propcase value for PROPCASE_WB_ADJ from 270 to 271.


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #454 on: 15 / April / 2010, 15:59:24 »

Only one of the led's is reported as lighting.

Try this script :-

Code: [Select]
@title led test
@param a led number (4-10, 6 unused)
@default a 9
print "LED number ",a
sleep 2000
set_led a 1
sleep 3000
set_led a  0

I tested the script with this numbers, and the following LEDs goes on & off:

0 - Viewfinder upper LED = Green
1 - Viewfinder upper LED = Red
2 - Viewfinder Lower LED = Yellow
3 - ON/OFF (Power switch) LED = Green
4 - AF-LED = White
5 - ISO dial LED = Yellow
6 - EV correction = Yellow

I cant find any other LEDs on my G11, so i think it is possible to controll every LED via CHDK. ;)

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #455 on: 15 / April / 2010, 17:01:26 »
Well, they are not the 'official' numbers (4 to 10, exclude 6) given here :-


Anyway, I will check the SDM build.

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #456 on: 17 / April / 2010, 18:50:03 »
Tried this out on my G11 today and seemed to work fine. However i was wondering about the possibility of adding some features. For instance the video mode on the G11 always seemed crippled IMO, My sister had some semi cheap powershot and it had 720p video available and my G11 would only do 640x480. Is it beyond the scope of this project to possibly add higher video resolutions? or to enable variable video framerate. Obviously there's technical limitations for increasing the framerate, but i was mostly interested in the possibility of a 24 FPS mode.

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #457 on: 20 / April / 2010, 05:56:59 »
I never used "CameraVersion" to get the firmware version until now, i only know the "Firmware info" method in the wiki (http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/G11).

Just an update: I did the ver.req method and it is more accurate. I have the 1.00J firmware. :)

I'm off to try the firmware now.

EDIT: Woot, I got it working! :D   However besides the clock, battery meter, and having to press the shutter button in order to get it to come out of playback mode (pressing the power button wrongly makes it start up in playback mode), what's the difference? I don't seem to have any additional features. Or is that it for the moment due to beta?
« Last Edit: 20 / April / 2010, 06:46:44 by Viper007Bond »


Offline ERR99

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Re: G11 porting
« Reply #458 on: 20 / April / 2010, 07:20:50 »
EDIT: Woot, I got it working! :D   However besides the clock, battery meter, and having to press the shutter button in order to get it to come out of playback mode (pressing the power button wrongly makes it start up in playback mode), what's the difference? I don't seem to have any additional features. Or is that it for the moment due to beta?
No, nothing beta related. Please refer to the CHDK manual to see how to power on the camera direct into shooting mode (hold the ON/OFF button longer), and how to enter the CHDK menu (press the print button).

Re: G11 porting
« Reply #459 on: 21 / April / 2010, 04:57:07 »
Can anyone with G11 1.00F firmware check out the function at 0xFF95F0E8 ??
It should be GetCurrentFocalLength() function and should return current focal length.
Its prototype is int GetCurrentFocalLength(void).


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