wait, there's gotta be a much simpler way to do this, right? restarting the camera can be left to the user for now (besides, this feature would come in VERY handy when for example i want to show other people the powerful use of their Powershots on the road - i just swap the binaries in the root folder and give the card to other person, owning another camera, hoping it has a supported firmware
i think whim already tested that the bin & fir files can be overwritten at runtime. so basically we need an interface in the filebrowser (or more advanced - an own menu entry) that does just that - move the binary in rootfolder to e.g. /chdk/backup/ and copy a binary from a selected folder to root. in more advanced stages it should be possible to read out version strings from the binaries, so you can choose not only location/folder, but buildnumber, cameramodel, firmware and which "flavour" (sdm, chdk...).
i really think "hot swapping" isnt that important, cold swapping should be easier.
and like already suggested - at least copying/moving the corresponding cfg file would be a nice move too.
jeff, in this thread people already talked about this topic (restarting, jumping and the like):
@ARM assembly gurus: How can we do a "cold reboot" from CHDK ? maybe there is some information for you in there