What camera for long mountain bike time lapse? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

What camera for long mountain bike time lapse?

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What camera for long mountain bike time lapse?
« on: 30 / December / 2009, 19:24:10 »
I would like to make a video record of a mountain bike trip next year, and using the time lapse feature of CHDK seems like a good solution. However, I'm not sure which of the many Powershots would be best for the job. The main requirements are:

1. Good battery life. This could be a 12+ hour trip, so I don't want to have to carry huge numbers of spare batteries.
2. Reasonably compact, so I can mount the camera on my handlebar.
3. Mid-low priced (don't want to risk trashing a fancy cam by strapping it to the front of my bike!)

I'm guessing that a Li-on powered compact is my best bet for battery life, but haven't got much further than that, so would be grateful for any advice. Also, if anyone has practical experience of recording a trip like this, I would be interested in any hints and tips.


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