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alright, as of now this thread no longer is a feature request, as i'm done with the requested feature (i'm not saying there will be no more new features i'd like to request and need help for
) so i guess this can somehow be moved \o/
Working features:
Remaining RAW value (directly incorporated into the existing RAW icon) - tells you exactly how much RAWs (+ corresponding jpegs) you are able to shoot until disk is full. When disk is almost full (jpeg can be written, RAW possibly not) a warning will be shown, blinking in red (or any other color, customizable with the newly introduced
conf.osd_color_warn via Visual Settings - to disable blinking, just choose same color as OSD text).By the way i also changed the low battery icon default warning color (red) to this new warningcolor variable (which is red too as of default, but can be changed via menu).
Two new Icons, namely
Free Space Icon and Free Space text. The color of the free space icon can be customized, so you cannot confuse it with the batteryicon (as of now it looks exactly the same, shape-wise). It will show remaing free diskspace vs. disksize, so you roughly get an idea how much space is left. however if you want to see a detailed view you can enable the free space text icon, which comes in two flavours: Free Space Percent and Free Space Megabyte, i guess y'all know what that means.By the way, you can disable or enable both icon AND text). The default position of the freespace icon is right next to battery, with the same color (white), with the text beneath it. you would want either change it's color or position to distinct it from battery.
The remaining Filespace icons will be shown in playback and record mode, the remaining raw value won't. filespace icons will turn red (read: turn the color you set in visual setting menu) if less than 15 MB left, though they will not blink. the settings of the remaining filespace icons can be found in "OSD Parameters -> Battery + Filespace -> scroll down. Maybe later they will have it's own menu, but i think it's okay the way it is. The remaining raw feature can't be turned off, as it isn't such a disturbing thing at all. of course it is turned off if you decide not to show the OSD at all.
now with the remaining free space text, go shoot a movie it's funny seeing all that megabytes drain with every second. this way you can directly compare the different movie compression & fps settings.
As an extra candy i added the changes jucifer made to trunk 296 from thread
1/3EV-selectable tv override -mod for trunk 296 (read for additional information) for y'all to play with. the attached archives with the bins and firs all have these features in them.
i will attach two patchsets, one with and one without jucifers adjustments.
if you really want to read the patchset prepare for doom, as my code is ugly as hell and maybe not the best, but thanks to guys like whim or the devs here i hope that can be looked after and then finally get into trunk... at least i hope so.
Base for my codechanges: Latest revision (299) from official CHDK Trunk.
Please test my new features (the stuff jucifer added should not interfere with it) and let me if it doesnt work or theres something unclear or a wish, whatever.
Patchset and Compiled Firmwares attached.
todo: another icon. then move on to the next project.
download for binaries:
zSHARE - chdk_299_phox_raw_filespace_misc.zipedit: added the comment about the freespace text in combination to movie recording