playing with the ptp functions on my s5is i have found a
patch for canon
capture that allows to use our cameras as a v4l device using only the usb cable
Maybe someone is interested in it ?
Should also help the devs in creating an app for remotly control the cameras in linux with new ptp functions
a typical session looks like this:
kuku@kuku ~ $ sudo modprobe vloopback
kuku@kuku ~ $ V4L_DEVNAME=/dev/video0 canon-capture
capture> start
capture> v4l on
Now feeding v4l device, send a SIGINT to stop.
then you can use dev/video1 as a camera device (I have tested it with xawtv and canon s5is ) - ebuilds for gentoo can be found in gentoo bugzilla vloopback-9999 and canon-capture