SD950 and LCD power off HELP!! - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

SD950 and LCD power off HELP!!

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SD950 and LCD power off HELP!!
« on: 01 / January / 2010, 18:10:41 »

I have the canon SD950 IS. It is being use for aerial photography and flown over target by a small UAV.

It is very annoying because I get very close to capturing excellent photos but something always gets in the way right and the end and I end up with a blurry mess.

Im hoping that someone here can help with this issue

here is what I have done so far and why it ends up not working

1) SET focus lock (AFL) to distance of subject  infinity in this case
    Set exposure lock  (AEL) to desired speed 1/400 in this case
    Set iso to 80

Everything works great I can now capture a good quality image of the ground and each photo has the same settings the exposure, focus, and iso do not change. THE ISSUE: when LCD powers off after 3 minutes maximum settings of inactivity the focus lock (AFL) and exposure lock (AEL) are discarded and im back to the blurry images again. It always takes longer than 3 min to get the camera loaded in the UAV, climb to altitude, and get over when the UAV starts taking photos all my settings have been lost do to the LCD power down.

2) Use CHDK to stop the LCD from powering down
    I am given the option to :disable LCD off  "NO" "ALT" or "Script"

I cant take a photo in ALT mode. No turns the LCD off normally via camera setting of 3 minutes. And for scripts im not sure how to use them yet so maybe this could work...I dont know

3) use CHDK to do all the ISO, shutter speeds, and focus lock

    appears to only work when shutter is half press first then fully pressed so yes it applies the settings when used this way but the UAV uses a binary servo trigger to fire the camera its either fully pressed or its not touching the shutter button there is no half press.

The best solution would be if I could somehow use CHDK to stop that stupid LCD from shutting off. If I could set it so the LCD never turns off then it would never erase my AFL and AEL settings.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might use CHDK to stop the LCD from shutting down??




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