this is what I'm using
rem Fudgey's Fast/Slow/Video Motion Detector with masks.
rem Requires a build with "dm_movie" included.
rem (At the time of writing only a570is KAP test build has this feature).
rem Changes to MDFB 080411:
rem Burst/Review time is now burst/review/video time.
rem In video mode it specifies how long in seconds to film.
rem Fast/Slow mode is now fast/slow/video mode. Video mode is
rem never fast, mode change takes some time. To optimize it try decresing
rem sleep times in video_md_loop to whatever minimum values your camera
rem allows. The most important one is after the line 'press "dm_movie"'
rem because that delay is waited between detection and start of record.
rem If you set video time 0 s, about 1 second of video will be shot.
rem Shortened the title a bit.
rem Developed on A570IS by fudgey. May work on all Digic III cameras.
rem Allbest build 34 or higher (or compatible md_detect_motion) is required for
rem fast/slow MD modes, a build with dm_movie is required for video mode.
rem Digic II needs a small modification: "get_prop 206 p" -> "get_prop 205 p"
@title Fast MD 080414
@param a Columns
@default a 6
@param b Rows
@default b 4
@param c Threshold (0-255)
@default c 10
@param g Burst/Review/Video time (s)
@default g 0
@param d Compare Interval (ms)
@default d 7
@param h Pixel Step (pixels)
@default h 6
@param f Channel (0U,1Y,2V,3R,4G,5B)
@default f 1
@param n Timeout (10s of seconds)
@default n 30
@param e Trigger Delay (0.1 sec)
@default e 5
@param i Masking (0=No 1=Mask 2=Use)
@default i 0
@param j Mask Columns Left
@default j 0
@param k Mask Columns Right
@default k 0
@param l Mask Rows Top
@default l 0
@param m Mask Rows Bottom
@default m 0
@param o Shoot fast=0 slow=1 video=2
@default o 0
if a<1 then a=1
if b<1 then b=1
if i<0 then i=0
if i>2 then i=2
if j<0 then j=0
if k<0 then k=0
if l<0 then l=0
if m<0 then m=0
if j>a then j=a
if k>a then k=a
if l>b then l=b
if m>b then m=b
if g<0 then g=0
if f<0 then f=1
if f>5 then f=1
if f=0 then print "Channel: U chroma"
if f=1 then print "Channel: Luminance"
if f=2 then print "Channel: V chroma"
if f=3 then print "Channel: Red"
if f=4 then print "Channel: Green"
if f=5 then print "Channel: Blue"
if n<1 then n=1
if o=1 then goto "slow_md"
if o=2 then goto "video_md"
print "Fast shoot mode"
press "shoot_half"
get_prop 206 p
until p=1
md_detect_motion a, b, f, n, d, c, 1, t, i, j+1, l+1, a-k, b-m, 9, h, e
until t>0
let X=get_tick_count
let U=get_tick_count
let V=(U-X)
if V<g then goto "contloop1"
release "shoot_full"
get_prop 206 p
until p<>1
goto "fast_md_loop"
print "Slow shoot mode"
md_detect_motion a, b, f, n, d, c, 1, t, i, j+1, l+1, a-k, b-m, 0, h, e
until t>0
if g>1 then goto "contshoot2" else shoot
goto "slow_md_loop"
press "shoot_full"
let X=get_tick_count
let U=get_tick_count
let V=(U-X)
if V<g then goto "contloop2"
release "shoot_full"
get_prop 206 p
until p<>1
goto "slow_md_loop"
if g<1 then g=1
print "Video clip mode"
md_detect_motion a, b, f, n, d, c, 1, t, i, j+1, l+1, a-k, b-m, 0, h, e
until t>0
press "dm_movie"
sleep 1000
press "shoot_full"
print "starting video record"
sleep 300
release "shoot_full"
let X=get_tick_count
let U=get_tick_count
let V=(U-X)
if V<g then goto "videowaitloop"
press "shoot_full"
print "ending video record"
sleep 300
release "shoot_full"
sleep 1000
release "dm_movie"
sleep 1000
get_prop 206 p
until p<>1
goto "video_md_loop"
I'm using the canon s5 with the allbest 101b-51-413 firmware.
using a 8gb card setup with one partition of 20mb where the allbest firmware is placed. once allbest loads it them switches over to the secondary partition.
the script is saved in the scripts folder as both motion.txt and motion with no extention on the end. both are saved as UTF-8.
I've tried with and without the rem lines (yes I know they are just comments but was just trying to save space)
I've even tried removing the very first line "@title Fast MD 080414" just to see if it would change anything and it didn't
I've also tried your other build that was in your first post with no result.s
if you can be of any help I would be happy