I want to start doing some high speed photography, like for example a bullet smashing an apple or egg or water balloon.
I will use a PIC microcontroller, with some photodiodes that will detect the precise moment when the picture must be taken.
Now, I was thinking to use a DSLR with an external flash (the flash would be triggered by the PIC). But the downside is that the flash has a relatively long pulse, something like 750 us, and I would need less than that to properly freeze the image.
So I was thinking of using my A570 IS, which can go somewhere like 1/40K of a second (250 us). The problem is, I need to reliably trigger the camera at the precise moment. Some shutter lag is OK, so long as I know exactly how long this shutter lag is going to last. So if the time between pressing the shutter (or issuing an USB voltage) and the time the picture is actually taken varies by more than at 500 microseconds, it's not going to be very useful.
Did anyone try something like that? Any numbers regarding the consistency of the time between pressign the shutter button or USB voltage and the time the picture is taken?