A650 IS and G9 build, when? - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

A650 IS and G9 build, when?

  • 5 Replies
A650 IS and G9 build, when?
« on: 22 / January / 2008, 19:42:13 »
So, I plan to buy, very soon, Canon A650 IS or G9.

So, can somebody release hack build for these cameras. Thank you.


Offline rchoi999

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Re: A650 IS and G9 build, when?
« Reply #1 on: 23 / January / 2008, 21:28:43 »
I own the A650is for few months and I hope to have the hack too. It seems nobody is working on this model and I have already tried many times to dump the firmware but no success.  :(

Re: A650 IS and G9 build, when?
« Reply #2 on: 24 / January / 2008, 14:05:15 »
How is that possible? Someone must work on A650IS.  :o :o :o

Re: A650 IS and G9 build, when?
« Reply #3 on: 24 / January / 2008, 14:36:53 »

I'm also waiting for somebody to port the CHDK to G9.  :-X  I'll be happy if  I could test it on my own.  :D

I was wondering that I've dumped the G9 firmware on the 9th of  January and it has been downloaded 190 times from http://www.zshare.net/download/631205658df349/ zshare.net (or more)!!!!

And still NOBODY even started do port it. ( or reply to the topic  :(  http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,112.30.html )
Probably we should wait till one of a hard core prorgammer person: how has "storng" ARM ASM + C knowladge and also own a G9 is interested in it .

Else it won't be ported, as I see.

I has no insuficient knowladge to do the porting, BUT I've already loaded the firmware dump to IDA, applied the A720 signature, run CHDK script and trying to understand how to dissasamble it.
Also studying the existing CHDK builds.

Only what we can do is WAITING......  and HOPE   (or you do it yourself)




Offline jeff666

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Re: A650 IS and G9 build, when?
« Reply #4 on: 26 / January / 2008, 08:18:24 »
Quote from: Titan_G9
(or you do it yourself)

Great, you understood how it works.

So go on, read the DryOS-thread, stick to the tutorial I posted on the first page and get it working.
The current a720-source is included in trunk now, so get it. You already have the DryOS-signatures, just make sure you use the current ones.

Here's something to play for the A650-owners: A test of a universal dumper that writes the firmware to the SD.
It's just a test but was confirmed to work with a A720 and an A710.
Important: This dumper writes directly to the card, no file is created, so use an empty card or you might lose data!
If writing works, the dump starts at sector 1024 on the SD (not the partition), look for the string "gaonisoy", if it's there, the dump was successful.

Further information and a link to the diskboot.bin that worked with my A720 in universal dumper - one more idea.



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Re: A650 IS and G9 build, when?
« Reply #5 on: 05 / February / 2008, 17:20:39 »

ewavr has provided a link to the firmware dump for A650IS. See this page for more info: http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,288.msg3123.html#msg3123



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