I can see that this is going to take a LOT of learning and effort on my part; I just got a new Canon SX20 IS, and would love to be able to do some of the things that are reportedly possible with CHDK. I do have a couple of questions, which I hope won't get me flamed right out of the gate... if you must swing the cluebat, please do so gently ;-)
1) First and foremost, I have a new Canon SX20 IS. Is this model currently supported by a stable build of CHDK?
2) Second, I used to be a programmer, and remember the painful experience of blowing out my sound card driver in assembly class... does this program have the potential to do low-level damage to my PC?
3) Third, Will using CHDK void my either the warranty on my camera or the warranty on my laptop (if the answer to #2 is affirmative)?
4) My coding skills are too stale to be of any help in development, but if I find myself able to use this thing, is there any other way I might be of service to your efforts?
Thank you,