two camera mini-USB connections w/ SDM - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

two camera mini-USB connections w/ SDM

  • 4 Replies
two camera mini-USB connections w/ SDM
« on: 27 / February / 2009, 14:05:06 »
I'm new at this, so maybe you can help.
I want to connect two A590's via a mini-USB-B   to sync both with SDM,  I understand that the power and ground pins control the shutters.  But do the data connections (pins 2,3,4) serve any purpose in communication between cameras?  i.e., if I splice another mini-USB male cable onto a Ricoh CA-1 switch, should I also make sure the USB data ports are also connected in parallel, or switched, or should I leave them unconnected 'cause it'll muck up something?  I don't think anyone makes a straight USB Y splitter (F-2xM), not a hub.  The motorola mini-Y splitter doesn't work due to the built in electronics. I guess it's some type of mini-hub.   



Re: two camera mini-USB connections w/ SDM
« Reply #1 on: 27 / February / 2009, 17:13:33 »
if I splice another mini-USB male cable onto a Ricoh CA-1 switch, should I also make sure the USB data ports are also connected in parallel

No, you can cut-off those wires.

The motorola mini-Y splitter doesn't work due to the built in electronics.

Grant Campos on the Yahoo SDM Group can supply you with splitters that do work.

Easier than splicing a cable.


Re: two camera mini-USB connections w/ SDM
« Reply #2 on: 08 / February / 2010, 11:21:49 »
Do you know if the Yahoo group is still active?  I put in a membership request over the weekend, but with no response yet.

I like the idea of getting a couple of cameras and trying 3D, but am slightly bewildered at the large range of cameras and a little nervous of a single supplier of z-bars to use them in...

Re: two camera mini-USB connections w/ SDM
« Reply #3 on: 08 / February / 2010, 11:32:50 »
It certainly is very active.

I am sorry you have had to wait, there are two moderators, I guess they may be away.
I will email them both.

Adk for advice at the Group.

Werner  (DigiDat) sells the z-bars and gentStereo is a very nice switch with advanced features.

Alternatively, Frans van de Kamp sells some very inexpensive, tiny little switches.


Re: two camera mini-USB connections w/ SDM
« Reply #4 on: 08 / February / 2010, 19:15:18 »
So that I can check, did you use the same username when applying to join the Yahoo Group ?


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