I wrote a lengthy explanation for this, then Internet Explorer decided to lose it all, so here's a shorter version.
This basically lets you use the built in time lapse movie function to take a series of time lapse movies over a period of many hours/days.
If anyone has suggestions as to how I'd stitch them together I'd appreciate it as Vdub doesn't like the mjpg video part of the avi container.
thoughts etc appreciated
rem Author: James Ward
rem Tested on IXUS 80 IS over a 9 hour
rem period with 9 blocks of 1 hour time lapse movies
@title Repeat movie
@param a Minutes x 10
@default a 6
@param b Minutes
@default b 0
@param c Seconds
@default c 10
@param d Write time
@default d 2
@param e No. of cycles (0=endless)
@default e 0
if a<0 then let a=a*-1
if b<0 then let b=b*-1
if c<0 then let c=c*-1
if d<2 then let d=2
if t<1000 then let t=10000
if e>0 then goto "setnumbered" else goto "setrecord"
print "Shoot-Alt-Shoot"
print "stop script then film"
print "repeats every", m;"m", c;"s"
sleep 3000
print "shot", n
print "Shoot-Alt-Shoot"
print "stops script/film"
sleep 1000
click "shoot_full"
sleep t
click "shoot_full"
sleep w
goto "record"
print "Shoot-Alt-Shoot"
print "stops script/film"
print "repeats every", m;"m", c;"s"
print "for", e, "cycles"
sleep 3000
print "shot", n, "of",e
print "shoot-alt-shoot"
print "stops script/film"
sleep 1000
click "shoot_full"
sleep t
click "shoot_full"
sleep w
if n=e then end
goto "numbered"
Thoughts/comments appreciated, the write time is to allow the camera to write to disk, allowing more time for longer captures (I've not tested the time it takes to write a 200MB movie - can't imagine it'd be much more than 8 seconds) and if anyone's got any questions fire away.
Also, I looked around and tried other interval scripts but none of them seemed to work with my TL movie mode, hence I wrote this one.