Intervalometer for in-built time-lapse video function - please test - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Intervalometer for in-built time-lapse video function - please test

  • 2 Replies
I wrote a lengthy explanation for this, then Internet Explorer decided to lose it all, so here's a shorter version.

This basically lets you use the built in time lapse movie function to take a series of time lapse movies over a period of many hours/days.

If anyone has suggestions as to how I'd stitch them together I'd appreciate it as Vdub doesn't like the mjpg video part of the avi container.

thoughts etc appreciated

Code: [Select]
rem Author: James Ward
rem Tested on IXUS 80 IS over a 9 hour
rem period with 9 blocks of 1 hour time lapse movies

@title Repeat movie

@param a Minutes x 10
@default a 6

@param b Minutes
@default b 0

@param c Seconds
@default c 10

@param d Write time
@default d 2

@param e No. of cycles (0=endless)
@default e 0

if a<0 then let a=a*-1
if b<0 then let b=b*-1
if c<0 then let c=c*-1
if d<2 then let d=2


if t<1000 then let t=10000
if e>0 then goto "setnumbered" else goto "setrecord"

print "Shoot-Alt-Shoot"
print "stop script then film"
print "repeats every", m;"m", c;"s"
sleep 3000

print "shot", n
print "Shoot-Alt-Shoot"
print "stops script/film"
sleep 1000
click "shoot_full"
sleep t
click "shoot_full"
sleep w
goto "record"

print "Shoot-Alt-Shoot"
print "stops script/film"
print "repeats every", m;"m", c;"s"
print "for", e, "cycles"
sleep 3000

print "shot", n, "of",e
print "shoot-alt-shoot"
print "stops script/film"
sleep 1000
click "shoot_full"
sleep t
click "shoot_full"
sleep w
if n=e then end
goto "numbered"

Thoughts/comments appreciated, the write time is to allow the camera to write to disk, allowing more time for longer captures (I've not tested the time it takes to write a 200MB movie - can't imagine it'd be much more than 8 seconds) and if anyone's got any questions fire away.

Also, I looked around and tried other interval scripts but none of them seemed to work with my TL movie mode, hence I wrote this one.
« Last Edit: 15 / February / 2010, 06:11:16 by jraward »

Re: Intervalometer for in-built time-lapse video function - please test
« Reply #1 on: 15 / February / 2010, 08:52:47 »
With Virtualdub you can open any video that your computer can play. Just create a text file with *.avs extension and the line:


VirtualDub will open the movie just opening the avs file. But when saving the result, you must use "full procesing mode" (no Direct stream copy) and depending of the selected codec, you can lose some quality.

Re: Intervalometer for in-built time-lapse video function - please test
« Reply #2 on: 15 / February / 2010, 10:17:54 »
I'll give that a shot, just a pain as it's at 15fps and it'd make my life a lot easier if it'd just tack it on without recompression.


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