I've got a new G11 ... and therefore I have to find the correct voltage values for my battery.
It would be nice, if chdk logs the min and max values by itself and writes the data into a battery.log . For pure scientific interrest, it would also be nice to log shot-number, on-time, display-time and voltage whenever one shot is taken (so not log min/max but a list entry for every shot) -- so one could calculate the maximum shots per load. And also one could find a discharge curve -- e.g. to check, if original canon batteries are better than china-tec batteries. I guess, the discharge curve isn't a straight line.
Maybe this logging with a on/off switch in the battery menu.
And if chdk finds min and max values by itself... then it could fill the min and max fields in the battery menu by itself. ;-)
btw: I guess canon batterys are "stupid" without serial or id, therefore chdk couldn't notice which battery is in the camera.
If one uses batteries of various qualities (e.g. canon-orig, high-quality-replacement, china-tec), it would be nice to save/load different battery settings with min/max values. Otherwise one has to note the min/max values with a marker on the batteries and fill in the correct values whenever one changes the batteries by hand.