Color Palette Values as a RGBk List? Changing Color Palette? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Color Palette Values as a RGBk List? Changing Color Palette?

  • 1 Replies

Offline KaLi

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Color Palette Values as a RGBk List? Changing Color Palette?
« on: 21 / February / 2010, 07:10:49 »
Maybe I'm only to stupid to search and find.  But I tried! :blink:

Well, I can look at all these neat colors with the color picker... but I would like to colorify a more complex grid overlay with different transparent colors... and finding and trying colors with the color picker isn't really helpfull (okay I know: y - Axis = HighByte, x - Axis = LowByte).

So... where can I find the RGBk values for these colors in some kind of list?

Furthermore... does every camera has it's own color palette, or is one palette standard for all chdk cameras? And if so, why does the color picker in my G11 looks so completely different to the sample colorpicker in the wiki?

Is it possible to change the color palette? My palette only contains gray/white and reddish transparent colors. To separate four different grids in one view, it would be really helpfull to have other transparencies as well.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: Color Palette Values as a RGBk List? Changing Color Palette?
« Reply #1 on: 21 / February / 2010, 19:26:30 »
Furthermore... does every camera has it's own color palette, or is one palette standard for all chdk cameras? And if so, why does the color picker in my G11 looks so completely different to the sample colorpicker in the wiki?
Maybe not every camera, but many are different. Many (most ? all ?) cameras also use different palettes in playback and record.
Is it possible to change the color palette? My palette only contains gray/white and reddish transparent colors. To separate four different grids in one view, it would be really helpfull to have other transparencies as well.
The palette can be changed (the canon firmware does), but CHDK doesn't give you any way to do it right now. You might be able to do it with peek and poke in lua. This would affect the normal canon UI, unless there are unused colors.

There is no list of colors. ISTR ewavr mentioned where/how they are stored somewhere.
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