Yass2 seems promising, I'd really like to try it out.
I've tried to use sunsetF16 script before and it just displayed some errors.I'm guessing it's too old for the current chdk build.
That's why I tried to use yass, because it's optimized for speed.
I was talking about a fastest script that can change exposure automatically. I know fast shooter intervalometer, it isn't what I'm looking for now.
Goal of YASS: Need for speed! MUST GO FAST! Make it simple to use.
The author of Yass wroteQuoteGoal of YASS: Need for speed! MUST GO FAST! Make it simple to use.Therefore, I thought that it's fast...Thanks for working on rewriting the script. I'd really like to try out the new version
I also decreased the pause times and removed nearly all the code comments and remarks to make the script process faster.
Removing comments & remarks really doesn't change script performance but it does make it hard to maintain.
This is true now, but comments did have the same 10ms execution time as other ubasic instructions when this script was written...
Quote from: reyalp on 20 / April / 2013, 17:12:21This is true now, but comments did have the same 10ms execution time as other ubasic instructions when this script was written...When I said that removing them doesn't change script performance, I should have said that comments at 10mSec each do not have a big effect on performance when the shoot() command takes 2 to 4 seconds to execute.
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