Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2 - page 2 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum  

Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2

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Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #10 on: 30 / April / 2010, 01:46:59 »
I have the sd780 which does have the mechanical switch.

No, the SD780 does not have a mechanical switch for record/playback mode selection,
just a push button - the one with the blue [>] symbol ;)

Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #11 on: 30 / April / 2010, 15:04:54 »
I have the sd780 which does have the mechanical switch.

No, the SD780 does not have a mechanical switch for record/playback mode selection,
just a push button - the one with the blue [>] symbol ;)

Ahhhh right. I was thinking of the switch that goes between still/movie mode. Thanks for the correction. ;)

Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #12 on: 06 / July / 2010, 03:49:26 »
Hi soulf2!
Tested on a470 works fine. (the only issue is that i suppose that for increase faster the numbers you should use zoom but on this camera the zoom is up and down).
I the week end i will try on the sx110is.

p.s. when the version3?
pp.s. suggestion for version 3. one option to Save the settings every shot. (for example sometime happen that during the timelapse in the car the camera lost the power so in this case the script can continue with the same exposition)

Best regards.

Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #13 on: 09 / July / 2010, 01:21:09 »
Thanks for the script, i'm going to give it a try while camping next week.

btw, on my SD870is without a viewfinder button, i force it off by putting a headphone plug in the AV port.  simple and effective.

Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #14 on: 12 / July / 2010, 17:26:08 »

Thank you for this script, however, I can't get it to work in my Canon IXUS 80IS (1100).

When I run the script, the camera take the pictures, with a delay of 2 seconds, but I've configured the Limit Tv to -384 (16 secs), however the speed of photos are between 1 and 2 seconds (with any light, is the same)

Can you help me?

Thanks in advanced, and sorry for my english.

Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #15 on: 19 / July / 2010, 04:33:03 »
Thanks for the script, i'm going to give it a try while camping next week.

btw, on my SD870is without a viewfinder button, i force it off by putting a headphone plug in the AV port.  simple and effective.

Syncros, nice idea!!!! I will try to see what happen hotpluggin the jack during timelapse to see if there are problems.

Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #16 on: 25 / July / 2010, 17:03:40 »
Really enjoying this script - I hope you don't mind but I've made a couple of personal changes that I thought I'd post back.

The attached file uses get_tick_count to more acurately calculate the delay between shots (for example extended shot time does not extend the delay as it does in your script)

I've also added the power saving extra of turning the backlight off during the delays between shots...

I've also modified it just slightly. I made it an option to have the backlight on or [mostly] off. I moved the command to turn the backlight off so it is off for more of the time. I also added some print commands that  are a little more helpful (to me) for monitoring when the script is running and backlight is on. These can be removed for the highest framerates possible.

I also wanted to mention that this script works well to keep the focus at infinity with the backlight off. The focus has to be set manually though! I know it is set in the script, but it doesn't seem to work. I like that I hear very little clicking and the screen only shows up for a moment after each shot.

edit: on testing with lower delays, the backlight doesn't always turn off. I'll test more later but where flipper321 put it the screen turns off consistently.
edit2: went looking for fbonomi's original to see what changes were made in yass and if there was any other useful background information from fbonomi. i was surprised to find that he put essentially the same information I add for configuring  ;) I'd suggest keeping the print statements so the script is a little less mysterious.
« Last Edit: 25 / July / 2010, 20:33:42 by munk_e »

Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #17 on: 26 / July / 2010, 06:49:55 »

munk_e, Can you post the exact line that turn off the LCD, to put it in other script, please?

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between this script and a intervalometer script (like ultra intervalometer)??


Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #18 on: 01 / August / 2010, 04:49:34 »
I used the "set_backlight" command
set_backlight 0 turns it off (use 1 to turn it back on)

It seems to work fine where I moved it, but I think I should apologize for not realizing the intent of YASS. speed = cutting out PRINT and REM lines! I'm thinking a script with 2 modes, a default mode with original print statements, and a mode for highest fps, will be best

I will use this starting tomorrow and we'll see how it goes for nearly continuous shooting over 50 hours! 1 frame/3 sec and unloading the card every 12 hours

Re: Yet Another Sunset Script (yass) v2
« Reply #19 on: 06 / August / 2010, 20:43:12 »

Thank you for this script, however, I can't get it to work in my Canon IXUS 80IS (1100).

When I run the script, the camera take the pictures, with a delay of 2 seconds, but I've configured the Limit Tv to -384 (16 secs), however the speed of photos are between 1 and 2 seconds (with any light, is the same)

I have this exact same problem on my SX200IS, no matter what I set the Tv to, it seems to be making exposures of about 1 to 2 secs.

Any ideas?

EDIT: To answer my own question, the problem was I was not in Manual mode on the camera.

Further I see that I need to set the Aperture manually as well.

Now it is working basically fine on my SX200IS. I haven't tested all the features, but basic shutter and ISO controls are working great.

I basically followed all the advice in the readme.txt for sunsetF16.lua which is also in this forum, turning off IS, the focus assist stuff, I manually set the focus to infinity as well.

Thank you very much for a great script.
« Last Edit: 06 / August / 2010, 22:28:23 by girardot »


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