IXUS100IS-SD780IS shooting and converting RAW - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum  

IXUS100IS-SD780IS shooting and converting RAW

  • 4 Replies
IXUS100IS-SD780IS shooting and converting RAW
« on: 21 / March / 2010, 19:13:32 »
Excuse me if I'm asking something completely obvious for the experienced users :'( but here it goes: Excited by the CHDK BETA for my new toy, first thing I wanted to do was shoot and convert RAW. But currently DNG4 doesn't support my cam yet, nor opens DNG in PS4. Am I doing something wrong or is converting RAW currently only for developers? See, can't wait to use this great feature of CHDK. On another note: have tried jpeg superfine, but see a difference with fine in the testfiles, with my eyes nor accoriding to file size.

Thanks in advance. And thanks builders for developing CHDK for the IXUS100IS.
Kind regards,

Re: IXUS100IS-SD780IS shooting and converting RAW
« Reply #1 on: 21 / March / 2010, 23:52:02 »
You would be best to use the DNG format in CHDK itself.  The functions are under the raw menu.  All you need to do is select DNG as an output format.  You have to run the badpixel script before you can do this however.  As for the question regarding fine/superfine many people feel there is a difference but I for one don't know.  

It is possible that despite the override on the sd780 that it just doesn't do it.  I'll add it to the many other "bugs" for the sd780.

« Last Edit: 21 / March / 2010, 23:54:50 by HarpoMa »
Canon Models - SD300, SD780, & SX210

Re: IXUS100IS-SD780IS shooting and converting RAW
« Reply #2 on: 22 / March / 2010, 06:27:02 »
Thanks Harpo for your quick response!

Looking again, I had Disable overrides first set to Disable. Set it to Off now and the Superfine looks a bit cleaner,  Very good indeed.

The RAW, still not working. First thought it was because I had selected Save Raw to Yes. But even after setting it to Off and ony sticking to the DNG file, the DNG file doesn't open in PS4. Just to let you know.

Tried to have the camera load CHDK automatically, but doesn't work yet. No option there yet.


You would be best to use the DNG format in CHDK itself.  The functions are under the raw menu.  All you need to do is select DNG as an output format.  You have to run the badpixel script before you can do this however.  As for the question regarding fine/superfine many people feel there is a difference but I for one don't know.  

It is possible that despite the override on the sd780 that it just doesn't do it.  I'll add it to the many other "bugs" for the sd780.


« Last Edit: 22 / March / 2010, 07:48:43 by bart100IS »

Re: IXUS100IS-SD780IS shooting and converting RAW
« Reply #3 on: 22 / March / 2010, 09:36:17 »
You need to review the wiki and beginners guides.  DNG requires RAW and DNG to be on.  Auto start requires you to setup the card with cardtricks and have the card locked.

Canon Models - SD300, SD780, & SX210

Re: IXUS100IS-SD780IS shooting and converting RAW
« Reply #4 on: 23 / March / 2010, 19:19:54 »
Heard that I had the "old"build from this weekend. After installing the current one: it works!

You need to review the wiki and beginners guides.  DNG requires RAW and DNG to be on.  Auto start requires you to setup the card with cardtricks and have the card locked.



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