Thanks for your welcome and answer.
Sorry, i have posted my question before reading the requirements for the script thoroughly, especially that i have to use Fingalo's special build because of the set_prop directive, which is the directive that seems to produce random/false results on my allbest build. I will try it with that build.
Edit: again written too fast. Fingalo says, all his features are already in allbest build.
Yesterday i got all "Exposure bias Values" as 0, today, without changing any parameters, i got -4, -3, -2, -1, 0. The out of range -4 is not shown on the display of the camera, but by irfanview, exiftool shows "+1023" instead of -4. The other values (-3,-2,-1,0) where displayed correctly by camera, irfanview and exiftool.
@PS: i think that "Exposure bias value" shown by Irfanview is the same as EV, because if i set EV manually (-2,-1,0,1,2), the correct values appear in this tag. Also Photomatix does'nt complain about missing EV tags, if this tag is set differently in all 5 pics, but only yesterday when all 5 pics were tagged with 0.
As far as i understand, the "exposure bias value" shown by irfanview corresponds to the "exposure compensation" value shown by exiftool, as they always contain the same values.
So my problem is not, as i thought yesterday, that the script doesn't write EV tags, but seems to write wrong EV values (my build is allbest 0.9.8-825 for FW100e)
When i have time I will have a deeper look at it, if i figure it out, i will post it.
Thanks again.