Start with spytask (which does the CHDK UI) and then physw_task (which does input). Once you have those working, you can enable capt_seq, movie_rec etc, one at a time.
Another question - when the camera boots I see the red box telling me that I'm running CHDK, camera firmware version etc. - but I don't see the 'control wheels' logo (like the one on the forum header) that I've seen on other cameras running CHDK. Is this normal?
I'd be really grateful if someone could spend a few minutes checking something out for me. I'm trying to debug my capt_seq.c and I'm comparing it with the SD950 100d version. In the first section of that file there is a branch to sub_FF933CA4, but on the IDA decompilation there is no subroutine at that point. I can't see how it can be a typo as 100d is a working version..what am I overlooking here?
It's generally easiest to enable the modified tasks one at a time. Start with spytask (which does the CHDK UI) and then physw_task (which does input). Once you have those working, you can enable capt_seq, movie_rec etc, one at a time.
Sadly I don't have the necessary knowledge to do this, and I can't find the procedure explained anywhere, so I can only hope that once I have rewritten movie_rec.c everything will spring into life. I'm not holding my breath, though. It's annoying as it seems that an offset of 34 bytes is the only code alteration that should be needed.
What is concerning me most right now is that I still can't compile either my new version (100e) or the original (100d) unless I comment out the dummy function in lib.c concerning ExitFromCompensationEVF and enable the NHSTUB in stubs_entry_2.s that points to FFFFFFFF - which is the opposite way round to the way I understand it should work. Could this be anything to do with my problem?
Sorry if this is too elementary a problem to be discussed here - I'd happily take a reply by PM!
No, it's better to have it here. More people will be able to help you, and others people who have the same problems in the future may find it.If you can't build an existing firmware with a clean checkout from SVN, then something is wrong with your build environment. I'd suggest working that out before you worry about getting new code working.
Well - I really hope you've got the patience to see me through this, and that it will help someone else - I promise I will limit myself to a single daily update.
Today I began trying to sort out the build environment, concentrating first on trying to compile SD950 v100d.I deleted CHDK shell for Windows 2.70 and all associated files and reinstalled it I allowed it to load trunk 885I put the 100d primary.bin in sub>100dI compiled (all compilations using the command line and the clean fir command) - it worked.I then added the six reference files to the tools folder one by one, compiling each time. The compilations worked until the last one (dryos_3).
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