I now own a SD1400 with 100a firmware and I'm willing to test the svn code that is not currently enabled in the autobuild in hopes that it can be included.
download link > ixus130_sd1400-100a-1.2.0-full.zip
SD card lock booting method only - hope that's okay.
I loaded the downloaded file to a 4g card (lock booting method) and it boots right up.
It created badpixel.bin on the first try. WOW!
While setting OSD colors I got the message:
"a camera error was detected camera will shut down O2E" and turned off. I restarted the camera and continued setting OSD parameters with no problems. I then ran scripts for the following HDR, interval, motion and shoot in both .bas and .lua without any problems. Both jpg and DNG images were written and look good.
So far so good, stay tuned more testing and results to come.
Thanks Again Waterwingz You Rock!