PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread - page 26 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread

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Offline emlyn

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #250 on: 17 / September / 2010, 13:22:45 »
ALSO  PROUD TO HAVE A Release Candidate version!!!

Good work! I can't test it myself, but it should be useful for the Ixus 130 port.

Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #251 on: 17 / September / 2010, 13:40:06 »
My sx210 is on the way from amazon, will test soon! Thx for all tha hard work!!!! By the way, will the raw files be directly readable by Adobe Camera Raw/Lightroom/Adobe DNG Converter? Or I will need to use DNG4PS-2(which does not seem to support sx210 for now)
« Last Edit: 17 / September / 2010, 14:02:47 by flashwaver »

Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #252 on: 17 / September / 2010, 14:00:51 »
mouring  I have only tested so far, the manual load of CHDK, with any card 2g,8g,32g....

There is where things fall apart.  The "Firmware Update" menu never seems appears.  No matter what method I attempt.  Which is why I assumed it was the 8gig card I'm using.


Offline asm1989

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #253 on: 17 / September / 2010, 14:09:57 »
Check out also SD4000

yes it's read direcltly if you shot in dng, no need of dng4ps

-Its weird do you havel all files,Chdk folder, diskboot, ps.fi2 and vers.req  in root, and formated in fat32?,
since I'm using a8gb sdhc too.


Offline reyalp

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #254 on: 17 / September / 2010, 14:18:18 »
mouring  I have only tested so far, the manual load of CHDK, with any card 2g,8g,32g....

There is where things fall apart.  The "Firmware Update" menu never seems appears.  No matter what method I attempt.  Which is why I assumed it was the 8gig card I'm using.
If you are using a Mac, check http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ/Mac#Still_Having_Trouble.3F

Make sure you are starting in play mode (with the play button, not the power button)

As asm1989 says, the FI2 method does NOT depend on the card size or format.

BTW, you don't need the diskboot file if you aren't using autoboot.
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Offline Yerry

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #255 on: 17 / September / 2010, 15:21:46 »
Hi I will try to do some testing.
My main focus will be scripts.
E.g Shutter speed script.

I hope I will find enough time.

How much tests did you do on DNG so far?
Does it work right? Is the colour correct? Which tools read it?

Aside from that i am wondering whether a general increase of shutter speed would be possible?
My cam selects 1/250 at max zoom very often. It would be nice to avoid that and let it select
select 1/300. To overcome shake. Any advise how to do this?

Also if you want to attract more testers make the RC public in the wiki and include
your source to the auto builds...



Offline Yerry

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #256 on: 17 / September / 2010, 15:52:42 »
OK some feedback from my side:

1. badpixel.lua seems to do something but never saves the file:
I start the script some text shown, screen turns black for 30-45 seconds
Afterwards cam stays at 1/10 live image and orange led flashes. Am I missing something?

2. Whenever I execute ShutterSpeedAB.bas the cam hangs (black screen) and lens is stuck. Only turning
cam off/on helps.

Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #257 on: 17 / September / 2010, 15:57:33 »
mouring  I have only tested so far, the manual load of CHDK, with any card 2g,8g,32g....

Yes it is annoying Mac issues.. I grabbed SDMinst which breaks it into two partitions (very small fat16 boot section and a large fat32/vfat) and that seems to do the trick.  For as much as I love my laptop there are times this stuff really annoys me.

Ok.. it works.  However here are few interesting bugs/features.

1. On bootup (using the power button), the lens doesn't extend and it dumps into a play mode. if you hit the "play" button again it seems to turn itself off.  Not sure if this natural chdk behavior or not (it confused me for a few minutes).

2. On the wheel I can go right, up, and down, but if I attempt to go left it stares blankly at me while in the normal canon menus.

.. Will have to look more at this later after I have time to read the chdk documentation to enable and disable features.


Offline asm1989

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #258 on: 17 / September / 2010, 16:28:46 »
-DNG is working, but I dont do much tests, I'm using the sx200 color matrix, I someone can get one from one for the sx210 let me know and I will implement it, most of the tools read the files

-I havent tested all possible values for overrides,  test it and report back, its how It we build this together

-about the autobuild, maybe Harpoma can do it , I have no exp with it

-badpixel can take some minutes

-some script must be change to use propset 3

->To all tester please report back your firmware version
« Last Edit: 17 / September / 2010, 16:34:43 by asm1989 »


Offline reyalp

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #259 on: 17 / September / 2010, 16:43:43 »
1. On bootup (using the power button), the lens doesn't extend and it dumps into a play mode. if you hit the "play" button again it seems to turn itself off.  Not sure if this natural chdk behavior or not (it confused me for a few minutes).
First part is normal CHDK behavior. If implemented correctly, holding the power button a little longer should start in rec mode. The reason for this is that by the time CHDK loads, the information of how you started the camera (power button or play button) is lost.

Second part (shut off if you start in play mode and then press play) is normal Canon behavior.

I am not in favor of putting early tests in the autobuilds, because people who can easily get there without reading the dev thread, and have know way of knowing it's very unfinished, unstable build. Anyone who hasn't followed the dev thread probably shouldn't be testing.

Having a single post that it edited each time there is a new build can avoid confusion over which build to use.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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