PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread - page 27 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #260 on: 17 / September / 2010, 17:59:55 »
SET->DISP  shows: GM1.00C  (


Offline Yerry

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #261 on: 18 / September / 2010, 02:20:22 »
GM1.00C  (

Bad Pixel
It creates a file bad_tmp.bin which I can rename to badpixel.bin
But it never asks me to save it by it self.

After renaming to badpixel.bin I can activate DNG.
But on top of the screen it says than DNG disabled.

Shutter script
The cam hangs up on start of the shutter script wihtout any prompt
so I do not know what other tests I could do. (The script should print out some stuff
before it does anything, so I do not understand why it hangs)

Also how could I change to propset 3?


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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #262 on: 18 / September / 2010, 03:08:14 »
In terms of shutter script I found out it crashes at the line
    if k>=(2*a) then print "Tv: ~1/"o,"s" else print "Tv: ~"r"."st,"s"

On:  print "Tv: ~1/"o,"s"

o = 2048

Any ideas?


Offline asm1989

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #263 on: 18 / September / 2010, 03:39:43 »

About The badpixel script
-> Be sure to have unchecked the exceptions as in the image bellow
->Once you excute it, let it work for 2-3mins or so, once the light gets orange and the screen returns, click again the print button
->It will maka the second picture for building the badpixel
->let it work for 2-3mins or so, once the light gets orange and the screen returns, click again the print button
->He will state the number of bad pixels, click ok to accept it , and its done
-> Then finish the raw config as bellow:
That's my raw config:

-Can you post what script are you using,
The propset, in some script must be changed manually, If you have harcoded values,
Here you have the three prosets  http://www.zshare.net/download/805274231dbc37ac/, make sure your scripts use the values found in propset3
« Last Edit: 18 / September / 2010, 04:34:25 by asm1989 »


Offline Yerry

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #264 on: 18 / September / 2010, 04:57:12 »
I will try badpixel later. Thanks for your screenshots.

The script I am using is:


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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #265 on: 18 / September / 2010, 05:32:02 »
Badpixel worked (Thanks for the good descirption)
Only thing I am surprised about is the bad pixel count. What number is reported in your case?

DNG also works now!


But I found a new issue:
I cannot control the flash with pressing on the dial as long CHDK is active.


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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #266 on: 18 / September / 2010, 11:12:15 »
Yerry: I had 4.800 bad pixels

Status of RC1.01:

ISO, ( tested 10 x 1 =  16 ISO seams to be the minimum  , and maybe ISO 8000 the max, but needs more testing)
AV, (Seams that the phisical limit is F11)
TV  (notizble difernce up to 1/20000 , but seam to go to 1/100000 , Tested up to 64s, seams to work but very noisy
-RAW, DNG, Folder.. (In excpetions menu, don't work if any chequed)
-Flash works, except with iso override
-some scripts using propset 3
-Modes tested: Manual only
-Video Record  -> RC 1.01

Don't Work:
-other scripts like shutuerspeedstack
-Video stops recording randomly ??
-Flash, crashes  if ISO override is enable

« Last Edit: 19 / September / 2010, 08:11:52 by asm1989 »


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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #267 on: 18 / September / 2010, 13:21:09 »
I've compared some stuff at stubs_min.S:

Code: [Select]
DEF(zoom_busy, 0x7124 + 0x1C)             // found at FF969464 -> ASM1989 08.20.2010     ?doubt? 0x14 or 0x1C       ### pixeldoc: ROM:FF9693D0 0x7124 + 0x1C ###
DEF(zoom_status, 0xb850)                  // (Wrong data from SX200 = found at FFA77128 ) SX210 Pending ???        ### pixeldoc: maybe ROM:FF9693D0 0x7124 + 0x1C ###
DEF(movie_status, 0x6588 + 0x38)          // (Wrong data from SX200 = found at found at FFC4C12 (bad address)) SX210 Pending ???`  ### pixeldoc: maybe ROM:FFA4E2B4 0xA470 + 8 ###
DEF(playrec_mode, 0x33B8+0x4)              // found at FF884178 -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork  why +0x4 ???      ### pixeldoc: answer -> ROM:FF883E58 0x33B8 + 0x4 ###
DEF(levent_table,0xFFBC1084)               // found at FF99A820  -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork please confirm it    ### pixeldoc: OK ###

I've started to verify some PropertyCase. Looks like proset 3 is correct for SD4000 too (like you suggested).
« Last Edit: 18 / September / 2010, 13:25:57 by pixeldoc2000 »


Offline asm1989

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Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #268 on: 18 / September / 2010, 14:32:09 »
Thank you very much Pixeldoc,
I forget I have "something left" in stubs-min
I was staring to go over again the asm at movie_rec.c, you save me a lot of time!!

Seams that you are right with the movie status, now movie works like a charm, need to test quality overrides, but I think they work I have 99% quality and I get a bitrate of 49,7Mbps and without the override 20,7Mbs

Need to test the zoom stuff, seems to work fine too.

So my stubs_min now is:
Code: [Select]
#include "stubs_asm.h"

DEF(physw_status, 0x336C4)                 // found at FF834360  -> ASM1989 08.20.2010
DEF(physw_run, 0x1C24 + 0x0C)             // found at FF8342C4  and FF8342E0 -> ASM1989 08.20.2010
DEF(FlashParamsTable,0xFFC095BC)          // found at FFAD195C -> ASM1989 08.20.2010
DEF(zoom_busy, 0x7124 + 0x1C)             // found at FF969464 -> ASM1989 08.20.2010     ?doubt? 0x14 or 0x1C  ### pixeldoc: ROM:FF9693D0 0x7124 + 0x1C ###
DEF(focus_busy, 0x6FC0 + 8)               // found at FF9639D4 -> ASM1989 08.20.2010     ?doubt? + 8
DEF(canon_menu_active, 0x3688 + 4)        // StarRecModeMenu @FF891C4C -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork found at FF891B4C  -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork
DEF(canon_shoot_menu_active, 0x8510 + 1)  // sub_FF9B57E4 -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork  why +1 ??
DEF(recreview_hold, 0x804C + 0x0C)        //  ASM1989 08.30.2010 looks like FF9A0B38 0x804C (SX200 0x7434 + 0xD4 = found at FF964C10 )  but not sure about 0x0C
DEF(zoom_status, 0x7124 + 0x1C)                  // ### pixeldoc: maybe ROM:FF9693D0 0x7124 + 0x1C ###
DEF(movie_status, 0xA470 + 8)          //  ### pixeldoc: maybe ROM:FFA4E2B4 0xA470 + 8 ###
DEF(enabled_refresh_physical_screen, 0x9D48+0x20) //found at FFA1EE18 and FFA1EFB4 and FFA1EE5C -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork, not sure if 0x20 or 0x24
DEF(playrec_mode, 0x33B8+0x4)              // found at FF884178 -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork  why +0x4 ???  ### pixeldoc: answer -> ROM:FF883E58 0x33B8 + 0x4 ###
DEF(some_flag_for_af_scan, 0x75D8)       //found at FF971750 -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork
DEF(led_table, 0x24A0 + 0x04)              // found at FF860EF0  -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork
DEF(levent_table,0xFFBC1084)               // found at FF99A820  -> ASM1989 08.21.2010 ?guesswork please confirm it   ### pixeldoc: OK ###
DEF(full_screen_refresh, 0x9D08) // found in FFA1CF40  in sx20: FFA02598, based on work found in the sd980 port

updated the latest binary version at http://es.drop.io/chdk_sx210_rc
« Last Edit: 18 / September / 2010, 14:38:09 by asm1989 »

Re: PowerShot SX210 IS - Porting Thread
« Reply #269 on: 18 / September / 2010, 16:29:42 »
Was out shooting raw/dng this morning along side my DSLR.  Some interesting observations.

1. The meta data is completely different from the JPG and the DNG.  

e.g. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/108053/odddng.jpg

That isn't missing data, but how the values are saved seem to be incorrect slightly.  (I understand the missing data. Someone stated if I need/want all the meta data I have to merge the jpeg meta data with the raw.)

2. Notice the black line on the right side. This seems to be true in portrait (right side) or landscape (top). Is there something I did wrong with the badpixel.lua execution?  (Note for Yerry:  Yes I had over 1,000 for my badpixel count when I ran that script that concerned me as well) -- I know what this is now.  I'm looking closer at the images.  It is the fact that lens correction isn't being handled as well by the raw conversion.  Took me playing around to realize how much barrel distortion is being handled in the jpeg conversion in-camera.  GEESH...  So I suspect this will be the norm.

3. Colors. The colors in the raw to me are better.  They are slightly darker and has less extreme vibrances then the jpeg.  It's a much better starting point than the Canon rendered jpeg.

4. There is still alt screen painting issues.  Sometimes the whole menu gets painted over by whatever is being shown on the screen and sometimes it just paints over a small square block.

5. Somehow my jpeg numbering and my dng/crw numbering is now different.  The DNG is 311 and the JPG is 314.

Note this is all on the first RC.  I just saw the update for v1.1.
« Last Edit: 18 / September / 2010, 23:06:43 by mouring »


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