good it works mike2k8,
regarding puting the sx210 source into the trunk will be possible, since it has been working for several months and hundreds of people are using it, but I dont have much time now to do the stuff
this is the source pack
since it uses a variant of propset 3 y named it propset5,
reyalp is all this what is needed to create the diff?
since it uses a variant of propset 3 y named it propset5,
That's not the standard way to handle a new propset.
The propsetN.h file can't have 'if defined(CAMERA_xxx)' sections since it needs to be processed by a script to generate the propsetN.lua file.
Also double check that it isn't a match to propset4.
If it's indeed a new propset variant then you need to make sure the propset5.h file only contains the values for propset5 (don't mix in other sets based on camera).
Then update platform.h to include the new propsetN.h file based on the CAM_PROPSET setting.
Next update CHDK/Makefile to include building of the new propsetN.lua file.
Finally update CHDK/LUALIB/propcase.lua to load the new propsetN.lua file.
Is there something I can do to help with this? Note that I don't know a thing about C programming, though.
If I understand correctly, by modifying the asm1989 source per the philmoz comments, the source could be ready for inclusion in trunk, couldn't it?
So, the questions are 2:
What is needed to do to check if propset4 matchs? It's probably beyond my knowledge, I suppose that it's not simply a matter of replacing propset5 with propset4 from another working port and see if it works, isn't it?
In case this is in fact a new propset (not that I know exactly what a propset is, anyway), what is needed is cleaning up propset5.h by removing 'if defined(CAMERA_xxx)' and non applicable sections. Is this correct?
Thank you very much. (And sorry if I'm doing stupid questions).