That script doesn't know about mode numbers which do not appear in CHDK source.
The unmapped mode numbers are:
16940, 33320, 33321, 33322
It's not impossible that some or all of these modes are not accessible from the Canon user interface, so if you can't find them, they are most probably useless anyway.
The source includes 2 of those mode numbers, but they are commented out (see the green lines)
Yes, the script displays the number, when in 'set cap mode test' you set option 'single'. Then, when you press shutter, it displays mode number, but for mode name it might show 'UNKNOWN'. The number is the same one shown with Debug Parameter/Props/Page 4/propcase 49.
I think I've tested all camera modes and here is what I've found:
There seem to be no 33321 or 33322. There is an error in the code for SCN_SMART_SHUTTER, it should be 33320 (instead of 33321), so I think it could be corrected and comment removed.
19640 is MODE_SCN_MINIATURE_EFFECT, so the comment can probably be removed too.
MODE_SCN_ISO_3200 is replaced in SX210 with MODE_SCN_LOW_LIGHT, 16417
MODE_SCN_AQUARIUM is replaced in SX210 with MODE_SCN_FISH_EYE, 16939
So in the end, I think this could be left like this:
const CapturemodeMap modemap[] = {
{ MODE_AUTO, 32768 },
{ MODE_P, 32772 },
{ MODE_TV, 32771 },
{ MODE_AV, 32770 },
{ MODE_M, 32769 },
{ MODE_EASY, 33314 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_PORTRAIT, 32783 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_NIGHT_SNAPSHOT, 32781 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_LANDSCAPE, 32782 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_VIDEO_COLOR_SWAP, 2611 }, //??
{ MODE_VIDEO_STD, 2612 },// Changed in SX210
{ MODE_KIDS_PETS, 32786 },// Changed in SX210
{ MODE_INDOOR, 32787 },// Changed in SX210
{ MODE_SCN_MINIATURE_EFFECT, 16940 }, //New in sx210 ???
{ MODE_SCN_FISH_EYE, 16939 }, //Replaces MODE_SCN_AQUARIUM in sx210 ???
{ MODE_SCN_LOW_LIGHT, 16417 }, //Replaces MODE_SCN_ISO_3200 in sx210 ???
{ MODE_SCN_SMART_SHUTTER, 33320 }, //New in sx210 ???
// { MODE_SCN_SUNSET, 16402 }, //??
// { MODE_SCN_NIGHT_SCENE, 16398 }, //??
{ MODE_SCN_FIREWORK, 16408 },// Changed in SX210
{ MODE_SCN_BEACH, 16407 },// Changed in SX210
// { MODE_SCN_AQUARIUM, 16939 },// ??? Is it fisheye?
{ MODE_SCN_FOLIAGE, 16405 },// Changed in SX210
{ MODE_SCN_SNOW, 16406 },// Changed in SX210
// { MODE_SCN_ISO_3200, 16417 }, //?? Is it lowlight
{ MODE_SCN_COLOR_ACCENT, 16925 }, // Changed in SX210?
{ MODE_SCN_COLOR_SWAP, 16926 }, // Changed in SX210
{ MODE_SCN_STITCH, 16908 } // Changed in SX210