Looking for a Creative Bracketing Script for SX10IS - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Looking for a Creative Bracketing Script for SX10IS

  • 4 Replies
Looking for a Creative Bracketing Script for SX10IS
« on: 16 / April / 2010, 21:41:28 »
New member here !
First !
Thank you CHDK and thank you Forum ! I am very impressed.

I am looking for a bracketing script that would be able to do more than 3 EV steps with a much larger range. The camera offers up to  -2/0/+2 (which is quite ok for HDR) , but I want to be able to have more creative options, like +5/0/-5... +4/+3/+2/+1/0/-1/-2/-3/-4 ..etc. I tested most of the bracketing scripts available and ..no luck. Not very many scripts for DIGIC 3 and 4.
If you have a SX10IS, please let me know what scripts are working for you . Thanx.


Offline fe50

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Re: Looking for a Creative Bracketing Script for SX10IS
« Reply #1 on: 17 / April / 2010, 07:33:13 »
Hello & welcome, emos !

I am looking for a bracketing script that would be able to do more than 3 EV steps with a much larger range.
You can do it scriptless, as fast as possible, without range or speed limits  :)

Use "Bracketing in continuous mode" with [+/-] brackting and the [Ev steps] you want, in custom timer mode with up to 10 images.

You can also use the cameras continuous modes (cont. / AF cont. ); to avoid movement of the camera, use a little script which just holds the shutter button down for a while...

  • set up CHDK bracketing, e.g. [+/-] bracketing with [2/3 Ev] steps
  • set the camera to continuous mode (or AF cont. mode), set up the camera for your needs (e.g. camera mode, ISO, focus, flash ...)
  • load & run a script which simply holds (virtualy, of course) the shutter button down for a while, e.g. this one:

Code: (lua) [Select]
@title fast shooter
@param a Duration, min
@default a 0
@param b ...sec
@default b 20
Interval = a*60000 + b*1000 -- we need the time value in ms
StartTick = get_tick_count() -- start time value
press("shoot_half") -- prepare...
repeat sleep(50) until get_shooting() == true -- wait until focus is ok
press("shoot_full") -- start capturing...
sleep(Interval - (get_tick_count() - StartTick))-- wait
release("shoot_full") -- time is over, release the shutter

Re: Looking for a Creative Bracketing Script for SX10IS
« Reply #2 on: 17 / April / 2010, 13:29:49 »
Thank you for your time.
However it does not work for me. It gives me only 2 shots (very slowly), camera blocks itself, no operational button, I have to remove batteries to restart. I understand you have sx10is. Did you try "Bracketing in continuous mode" on your sx10is? Maybe I am too stupid :(


Offline fe50

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Re: Looking for a Creative Bracketing Script for SX10IS
« Reply #3 on: 18 / April / 2010, 14:56:25 »

The script works very well on the SX10 (1.01a here); pls. follow these steps for testing:

  • Set "Tv bracketing value" to [2/3 Ev] (Av bracketing set to [off]), set "Bracketing type" to [+/-], make sure that "Add raw-suffix" is disabled.
  • Set up the camera: P mode, ISO 200, continuous mode
  • You should see        BRACKET:+/-
    on the screen now
  • Start the script; the camera now should capture images for the next 20 second (the default valu, adjustable in the script settings menu), then the script should stop.

--> Don't forget: +1EV doubles the exposure time !
--> with enabled dark frame subtraction capturing the dark frame also doubles the exposure time for each shot.
--> Adjust the duration time (20s by default) from the script settings to your needs.

This method works fine for me with various camera settings, e.g. in P, Auto, Tv, Av modes, also in the scene modes, also in ISO3200 mode.
Continuous AF mode also works fine, with slower frame rate due to the additional time for focusing.

If this is still not working on your camera, try the latest CHDK build (#885),
reset your CHDK settings (or delete / rename the config file \CHDK\cchdk.cfg),
try the bracketing in continuous mode without a script...
« Last Edit: 18 / April / 2010, 14:58:09 by fe50 »

Re: Looking for a Creative Bracketing Script for SX10IS
« Reply #4 on: 20 / April / 2010, 13:36:21 »

I also have the Canon Powershot SX10. i have tried several scripts here and the best i have found is here:


fe50 is right you dont need one but the script link above works awesome for pano and HDR.
Check it out! I have loved using it.


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