A490 Porting - page 20 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

A490 Porting

  • 224 Replies


Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #190 on: 29 / July / 2012, 00:38:50 »
I just downloaded and tried the latest development version A100d-1.2.0-2018-0 for the A490.
With all default remote settings, with a switch on-off, camera display will go off momentarily, led blink once or twice, then display back on, 5 volts on the USB port being interpreted as a computer connection. I say this is a good indicator that my external circuitry is set up properly, providing sufficient voltage (and the minuscule (450-650 uA) current).
As a side comment, I see 1.1.0 is now the most current stable version.

Results for 1.2.0-2018 are:
Enable only - no response
Enable, onepush - no response
Enable, onepush, normal - no response
Enable, twopush, normal - no response
Enable, onepush, quick - no response
Enable, onepush, zoom - no response to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 quick (manual) pulses
I didn't see a reason to try other combinations.

Ideas? Should I need to load a script?

I loaded the supplied script ( as follows)
@title Remote button

while 1
    wait_click 1
    if is_key "remote" then shoot


Enabled remote and ran script using the 'Play' button. Sorry, no response.

I seems to me that CHDK for this camera/firmware isn't properly connecting the actual port to the "remote" variable.
« Last Edit: 29 / July / 2012, 00:50:09 by JEM3 »

Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #191 on: 29 / July / 2012, 01:30:09 »
I seems to me that CHDK for this camera/firmware isn't properly connecting the actual port to the "remote" variable.
As I mentioned in my previous post,  I might have broken something during the update.  Took a brief look at the code and its pretty much the same for the various A500 cameras.  So it might be broken for several of them

Enabled remote and ran script using the 'Play' button. Sorry, no response.
Did you mean to say you ran the script by pressing the shutter ?  I don't think you can activate a script with the 'Play' button.

Its late now - I'll do some digging tomorrow.  Thanks for the detailed tests.
« Last Edit: 29 / July / 2012, 01:41:31 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #192 on: 29 / July / 2012, 12:49:31 »
Results for 1.2.0-2018 are:
Enable only - no response
Enable, onepush - no response
Enable, onepush, normal - no response
Enable, twopush, normal - no response
Enable, onepush, quick - no response
Enable, onepush, zoom - no response to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 quick (manual) pulses

One other basic question ?  You were not in <ALT> mode when you tried shooting a picture during the above sequence were you ?

Here's the one thing I could see different in the A490 code from the old stable branch, ported to the new stable branch.


Code: [Select]
int get_usb_bit()
        return( (physw_status[2] & USB_MASK) == USB_MASK) ;  // don't call _kbd_read_keys_r2(physw_status)

Can you try your test with this ? Enable remote, OnePress & Normal, exit <ALT> and try a shot with the remote.  If it fails that test just report back here - nothing else is going to work at that point.

« Last Edit: 29 / July / 2012, 13:06:23 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16



Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #193 on: 29 / July / 2012, 16:42:47 »
YAHOO :D :D :D your 1.1.0-2004 July 29, 2012 works!
Remote enabled for all below cases
Onepush, norm:
press one-> focus and takes pic

Twopush, norm:
press one-> focus (green frame same as a manual half press when focus & exposure calcs complete)
quick press two-> takes pic
if you delay too long, will just refocus

Onepush, quick:
press one-> takes pic immediately (didn't notice about focussing, etc)

Onepush, zoom: (sequences of pushes must be very quick for a manual operation)
1 push-> zooms in 1 step (longer lens) - can repeat until max
2 push-> zooms out 1 step (wider angle) - can repeat until max
3 push-> focus and takes pic
4 push-> full zoom in, then camera turns off but lens stays extended
5 push-> full zoom out, then camera turns off but lens stays extended

I'm real happy with this build! The 4 and 5 pulses are pretty hard for me to do quick enough manually so they're not a concern; just do the 4 or 5 steps to get there. - I read somewhere that zooming to max or min had some timing issues if done with a script.

« Last Edit: 29 / July / 2012, 16:47:44 by JEM3 »

Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #194 on: 29 / July / 2012, 16:48:18 »
Okay .. you are welcome.

But the hack I posted did not actually fix the problem.   With reyalp's help,  I think we now know why it wasn't working and why my hack fixed it.  (This is a really good place to be when bug hunting btw).

So if you can stay tuned for a little bit,  I'll post a version that should be fixed properly (once and for all). And with your blessing we will update the svn !


(btw .. the new code is a whole lot nicer to use .. isn't it ?)

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #195 on: 29 / July / 2012, 16:54:37 »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #196 on: 29 / July / 2012, 21:09:28 »
Response from JEM3 via pm :

OnePush, TwoPush with Normal and Quick work perfectly. I think it is possible to confuse the camera by initiating a new sequence too soon.

Zoom - one, two and three pulses work properly. 4 and 5 pulses will begin zooming, then camera will turn off. I tried 4 and 5 from zoom centered, to see if how long it takes to achieve full zoom is the issue. Doesn't seem so. Camera doesn't always turn off, so I think that it may sometimes interpret my pulse train as a 1 or 2 pulses. I can only pulse so fast by hand. I don't have the stuff to generate pulses electronically at this time.

In step zoom, the lens actually moves on the falling edge of the pulse. Also, as a note, the first use of remote zoom pulse/s disables the zoom buttons on the camera- until powered down and back up.

The best news is that REMOTE.BAS, the little loop that looks at the "remote button" then "shoots" works properly. Most previous versions did not recognize that the remote button had been pushed (I didn't check you last quick & dirty patch). So now creative ways to to a bunch of stuff - including a more sophisticated zoom control.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #197 on: 29 / July / 2012, 21:21:35 »
I think it is possible to confuse the camera by initiating a new sequence too soon.

Zoom - one, two and three pulses work properly. 4 and 5 pulses will begin zooming, then camera will turn off. I tried 4 and 5 from zoom centered, to see if how long it takes to achieve full zoom is the issue. Doesn't seem so. Camera doesn't always turn off, so I think that it may sometimes interpret my pulse train as a 1 or 2 pulses. I can only pulse so fast by hand. I don't have the stuff to generate pulses electronically at this time. In step zoom, the lens actually moves on the falling edge of the pulse.
I was able to make this work with a simple switch by hand .. not a function of how fast I could pulse.  Might be something else happening here.

Also, as a note, the first use of remote zoom pulse/s disables the zoom buttons on the camera- until powered down and back up.
Now that is strange.

The best news is that REMOTE.BAS, the little loop that looks at the "remote button" then "shoots" works properly. Most previous versions did not recognize that the remote button had been pushed (I didn't check you last quick & dirty patch). So now creative ways to to a bunch of stuff - including a more sophisticated zoom control.
That's what its all about in the end. Enjoy !
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #198 on: 29 / July / 2012, 21:34:01 »
Looking at the patch waterwingz posted, GetBatteryTemperature was disabled in the current svn code. Can someone please check in waterwingz build whether the camera crashes if you change the "show temperature" setting in the osd menu to "battery" ?
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: A490 Porting
« Reply #199 on: 29 / July / 2012, 21:35:25 »
Looking at the patch waterwingz posted, GetBatteryTemperature was disabled in the current svn code. Can someone please check in waterwingz build whether the camera crashes if you change the "show temperature" setting in the osd menu to "battery" ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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