Thanks for the help, Reyalp! I can bring all of you very good news!
After I amended many stubs today, CHDK is working surprisingly well. I can confirm that the followings work:
- CHDK menu, switching to ALT mode back and forth both in Play and in Shooting mode
- Taking photos in JPG and in CR2 format (yes, RAW works! But how? I did not run badpixel.lua?! Anyway, the .CR2 file can be opened with UFRaw)
- I could start some LUA scripts, so far I tried only those that don't use shooting; e.g. eggtimer and they works
- Video recording works in 640x480, (AVI container, video is mjpeg and audio is 12kHz PCM). I could record a 38 seconds video and I could use optical zoom
- Live histogram is working nicely
I could find some bugs, too:
- During video recording if I zoom in too much so the camera starts using digital zoom, I could only zoom out with digital zoom and then optical zoom out does not work anymore, the camera stays in maximum optical zoom state. Of course after I stop recording video, I can use zoom out again
- The on/off button doesn't work at all. I tested with led test in the beginning of boot() and the led is lit for a moment, but then the camera go shutdown. The problem must be in boot.c, I believe.
- I can switch on the camera with the Play button (as you must have found out
), then I can use the Play to switch to Alt mode (there is no Print button so I adapted the way A495 works). However, if I can press the Play button long, nothing happened (it must be go to Shooting mode).
- The only way to go to Shooting mode is to turn on it with Play, then use the Mode selector button next to the Menu button.
I'm afraid I'm going to have a hard time with these two problems, but I'll do my best. Is there anyone who could help me a little? By the way, how can I share the source code? (I'm sure it's written somewhere. This project has the best documentation I have ever seen from volunteers.
I have not tried any further fancy feature of CHDK yet.
The first beta can be downloaded from
here, for whom it concern.
UPDATE: I have found another bug. I had the eggtimer script running and turned off the camera. It saved the status and next time I turned it on, the eggtimer screen was shown for a subsecond, then the camera shut down. It remained in this status until I deleted the config file.
UPDATE2: I have already fixed the bug with the on/off button. Now I have to go get some sleep, because my eyes are aching.
But I'm really satisfied with the progress of the last day.