his can happen if the camera is refusing to take the shot (for example, autofocus can't find anything to focus on or something like that).
Quote from: reyalp on 31 / January / 2012, 22:55:24his can happen if the camera is refusing to take the shot (for example, autofocus can't find anything to focus on or something like that). From IRC information, this theory is wrong because the camera takes the shot first. This implies it's not detecting the shot was completed, which seems more likely to be a bug in the port.
The PTPCAM Console just shows >>script-status<<script-status:0x1 run=yes msg=no (Length: 32)over and over. It seems like it's not terminating the "take picture" command or something?
1. Using ptpCamGui, I can get my A490 to take a picture, but then it hangs (this is with all the Remote options turned off). So we're trying to figure out why the shoot() process doesn't exit cleanly.
Yes, I do! (That way I can walk around the rig and see that all the cameras have taken a picture.)Could that be related to the shoot() not exiting with ptpCam? I'll definitely see if changing that setting makes a difference.- Jance
So, my obvious next step is to see if there's a way to use ptpCamGui (modified, or something like it)
with one computer and multiple usb hubs, to control all the cameras, shoot simultaneously (as close as possible) and grab all the images remotely.
Can y'all point me to the best forum topic to post to, to see if anyone has done something similar, or has suggestions? It would be good to know what kind of coding work would be involved, and if anyone is up for it (even for hire), and I can push for coding support here at work too.
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