I am creating a little PCB to take the lead from my Ricoh CA-1 and send it to 2 cameras. I am basically making a USB 'y-splitter' (connecting pin1,2,3,4 coming off the remote to pin1 of USBOUTA & USBOUTB which will go to camera L&R respectively.
Can anyone confirm that this will this work? Or will I run in to voltage drop due to the small battery in the Ricoh feeding 2 cameras?
Here are a few images some images of my project. I hope to etch this weekend. I did disassemble the Ricoh and found that only VCC and Ground are used. This is consistent with what I have read in the CHDK wiki and elseware. However I decided to still route D- and D+ on my board just in case it could ever be used for something else down the line.