A2000 - Firmware version And Video mode question - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

A2000 - Firmware version And Video mode question

  • 2 Replies
A2000 - Firmware version And Video mode question
« on: 28 / April / 2010, 05:36:18 »
Hello everyone.
First thanks for CHDK its a great piece of software!

I've installed a2000-100c-0.9.9-885-full_BETA firmware on my A2000 and i've tried writing some scripts.
A simple shoot every X sec. works fine and i can change many option such as AiAF Jpeg quality Etc etc...

Now, i'd like to know if someone has managed to shoot 1 foto and 1 video.
For example:

shoot_video for 30 seconds

is this possibile?

My second question is:
i've seen on the A2000 page that there are multiple firmware version.
a2000-100c-0.9.9-885-full_BETA i'm using this version but its avaiable for download also:
and one more version with letter B but i cant remember the name...

what are the difference? which one should i use? i mean are just upgrade or they have different feature?

thanks for any tips i've just started and i'm pretty confused at the moment.

thank you keep it up!


Offline reyalp

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Re: A2000 - Firmware version And Video mode question
« Reply #1 on: 28 / April / 2010, 22:27:58 »
Hello everyone.
First thanks for CHDK its a great piece of software!

I've installed a2000-100c-0.9.9-885-full_BETA firmware on my A2000 and i've tried writing some scripts.
A simple shoot every X sec. works fine and i can change many option such as AiAF Jpeg quality Etc etc...

Now, i'd like to know if someone has managed to shoot 1 foto and 1 video.
For example:

shoot_video for 30 seconds

is this possibile?
Yes. You can switch between shooting modes with http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK_firmware_usage/MoreBest#set_capture_mode.28modenum.29 and uses key press commands to start and stop recording.

You can see setmode.lua and setmode.bas in the scripts/test directory for some examples of this.

My second question is:
i've seen on the A2000 page that there are multiple firmware version.
a2000-100c-0.9.9-885-full_BETA i'm using this version but its avaiable for download also:
and one more version with letter B but i cant remember the name...

what are the difference? which one should i use? i mean are just upgrade or they have different feature?
It's not clear to me what you are referring to. The second one sounds like the name of a firmware dump, which is a copy of the original firmware. You use that on your camera in any way. The autobuild server only has a2000-100c-0.9.9-888 and -full. The difference is that the first only has the actual CHDK binaries, and full has additional supporting files. There's no need to update from 885 to 888, none of the recent changes have been for your camera.

There shouldn't be any need to use old builds from the forum or elsewhere. If there is something that works in those build and NOT in the autobuild, please let us know.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: A2000 - Firmware version And Video mode question
« Reply #2 on: 29 / April / 2010, 04:42:11 »
Thank you very much for your answer.

I will try  set_caputre_mode and modenum this week and i will let you know.

Once my script will fully run i will post it in the forum.
good bye.


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