Bracket scripting HELP needed- Property names for CHDK - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Bracket scripting HELP needed- Property names for CHDK

  • 5 Replies
Bracket scripting HELP needed- Property names for CHDK
« on: 30 / April / 2010, 03:06:48 »
I have this script I am trying to make on my Canon SX1 IS
How do I change the value of this function in CHDK with a single line?

ALT Menu = extra photo operation | braceting in continius mode

Subj.Dist Bracket Value (MF)
Value Factor (mm)
Bracketing Type

my example
set Bracketing type = +
C=Bracketing type
A=Subj.Dist Bracket Value (MF)
B=Value Factor (mm)
if A <3 then A=3
if B <1 then B=1

Really ned help on this PLEASE  ::)

This is what my script does today:
print "Preparing..."
click "shortcut"
sleep 200
click "menu"
sleep 200
click "set"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "right"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "right"
sleep 200
click "right"
sleep 200
click "down"
sleep 200
click "menu"
sleep 200
click "shortcut"
sleep 200
click "shoot"
sleep 200
click "shoot"
sleep 200
click "shoot"
sleep 200
click "shoot"
sleep 200
click "shoot"
sleep 200

« Last Edit: 30 / April / 2010, 03:16:10 by hamak »


Offline zeno

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Re: Bracket scripting HELP needed- Property names for CHDK
« Reply #1 on: 30 / April / 2010, 04:24:20 »
I'm not sure I understand your question, but the script parameters that you can alter before you run the script must be lower-case letters ("a", "b", "c") not upper-case ("A". "B", "C").

You'd need to add lines like this to the start of your script:
@param a subj. dist bracket value
@default a 3
A570, S100, Ixus 127


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Re: Bracket scripting HELP needed- Property names for CHDK
« Reply #2 on: 01 / May / 2010, 18:21:57 »
Just a quick question.
You can bracket exposure four ways - by changing the shutter speed (Tv), by changng the apature (Av), by changing the detector sensitivity (ISO = Sv), or using exposure compensation (EX).
What the first three things do (Tv,Av,Sv) is pretty obvious but what exactly is changed by EX?
I originally thought that all it did was provide a offset to the measured light intensity (Bv) but you can write a script that measures Bv and then set Tv, Av, Sv, and Ex with different photo exposures.
What does exposure conpensation change? It must be one of the first three things???

Re: Bracket scripting HELP needed- Property names for CHDK
« Reply #3 on: 02 / May / 2010, 01:24:01 »
the bracketing script i am looking for changes the focal for taking Dept of Field DOF photos.
in short i am looking for a way to write a script that changes the values in the chdk menu under continious bracketing.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Bracket scripting HELP needed- Property names for CHDK
« Reply #4 on: 02 / May / 2010, 01:31:59 »
the bracketing script i am looking for changes the focal for taking Dept of Field DOF photos.
in short i am looking for a way to write a script that changes the values in the chdk menu under continious bracketing.
If you are going to do it in script, just do the whole process in script rather than trying to send clicks to the CHDK UI (which AFAIK, you cannot do, script button presses always do the original function, not the CHDK alt mode function)

There are numerous examples of bracketing scripts floating around that you can use as a starting point.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Bracket scripting HELP needed- Property names for CHDK
« Reply #5 on: 02 / May / 2010, 06:36:58 »
On this page you will find the following  :-

Synonym for CHDK 'set_focus'.
The 'set_focus' command may optionally have a second parameter that returns the next distance to focus on when focus-stacking.
When infinity is reached, -1 is returned.
This automatically results in increasingly larger focus-steps.

This example captures images all the way to infinity from current focus :-

Code: [Select]
rem grab focus stack
get_focus f
set_focus_to f, e
until e = -1
« Last Edit: 02 / May / 2010, 06:41:18 by Microfunguy »


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