I appriciate everyones responses on this post.
It really is much simpler than it appears.
Let me explain.
I am trying to develop a medical use for camera running a motion detection script. I do not want nor require any other CHDK functionallity. I do not want the camera users to have to dig through menu's to configure the application. What I'm looking for is a camera that boots to a simple menu asking if the user would like to run the motion detection script. If the user answers no, the user is brought to just the normal camera functionality. If the user answers yes to the question of running the motion detection script, the script is started immediately upon the user depressing the shutter button.
I dont want the end user to have to fiddle with the ALT mode, menu's or anything that might result in missing the running of the motion detection script.
The only configurable options I like is the option to adjust the motion detection sensitivity.
I think it's pretty cut and dry.
I'm not trying to hide anything, I know the code is GPL.
I'm just looking for a very simplified version of CHDK without all the bells and whistles, that does one thing and one thing only, run one script. If I could get the script hard coded that would even be better yet.
No mystery, no deception, just absolute simplicity, I want someone (the end user) that is not CHDK savvy to run motion detection scripts without any fuss.
If anyone has any other suggestions, please feel free to comment.
Thank you,