USB Remote Triggering and DNG download at the same time? - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

USB Remote Triggering and DNG download at the same time?

  • 4 Replies
USB Remote Triggering and DNG download at the same time?
« on: 11 / May / 2010, 07:23:03 »

I am looking at using CHDK for a project but need to utilize the remote scripting capability at the same time as having the DNG files downloadable from a computer over USB. 

Does anyone know if the USB remote triggering can be done while a computer is still accessing the USB port to get DNG files?

I'd give it a try but I just broke my a480 and am waiting for a new SX20 to be shipped to me.


Re: USB Remote Triggering and DNG download at the same time?
« Reply #1 on: 14 / May / 2010, 07:48:59 »
I have played-around with this.

See if the method on this page is suitable :-


Re: USB Remote Triggering and DNG download at the same time?
« Reply #2 on: 15 / May / 2010, 13:36:53 »
Thanks for the reply! 

Yes that does seem to do what I want.  But I can't find anywhere specific where it says that it will work with a Remote USB cable attached.  Specifically, I want to have the camera run on a pole (where I can't easily get it) and trigger images with a Remote USB cable, but also have those files available for download to the computer without having to get access to the camera on the pole.  Do you think that will work?

Thanks again!

Re: USB Remote Triggering and DNG download at the same time?
« Reply #3 on: 15 / May / 2010, 15:19:17 »
You could start a script that takes photos after a delay and then uploads at certain intervals.

You would need to make a special USB remote.

If you handy at making things, cut a standard USB cable and rejoin all the wires except V+.

It is the wire that goes to one of the outside connectors that is not connected to ground.

Join the two V+ wires with your switch.

That leaves the two data lines connected.

Your script can start when it detects you have pressed the switch.

At some stage your script can switch to playback mode, disable the remote switch function and light the autofocus led to indicate it is ready to connect to the PC.

When you close another switch in parallel with your pushbutton, the camera will communicate with the programme on your PC that you have associated with the 'On Connect' event.

You will need a bit more information but if you make the special switch I can provide it.

Re: USB Remote Triggering and DNG download at the same time?
« Reply #4 on: 10 / May / 2014, 23:03:25 »
You could start a script that takes photos after a delay and then uploads at certain intervals.

You would need to make a special USB remote.

If you handy at making things, cut a standard USB cable and rejoin all the wires except V+.

It is the wire that goes to one of the outside connectors that is not connected to ground.

Join the two V+ wires with your switch.

That leaves the two data lines connected.

Your script can start when it detects you have pressed the switch.

At some stage your script can switch to playback mode, disable the remote switch function and light the autofocus led to indicate it is ready to connect to the PC.

When you close another switch in parallel with your pushbutton, the camera will communicate with the programme on your PC that you have associated with the 'On Connect' event.

You will need a bit more information but if you make the special switch I can provide it.

Dear Microfunguym, i'm try make exactly it. But I don't know build a functional script.
I'm trying to use a arduino to triggering the the shot, so, when conected to a pc, the script must put the remote in off mode and I can download the photos.

I try use it, but don't work:

Code: [Select]
@title SOMENZI

while 1
    k = get_usb_power
   until k>0
   if k > 100 and k < 500 then gosub "foto"
   if k > 600 then gosub "usboff"

    set_record 1
    sleep 3000

    print "shooting"
    press "shoot_half"
    sleep 800 
    press "shoot_full"
    sleep 700
    release "shoot_full"
    release "shoot_half"
    sleep a*1000
    set_record 0
    sleep 3000

    print "IGNORING USB"
    set_config_value 121 0

I built the "special cable", but I don't know build the script yet. Can you help me?

Canon A2500 and 60D


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