Using a computer mouse with multi-buttons to access camera commands ? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Using a computer mouse with multi-buttons to access camera commands ?

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Offline colinbm

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Thanks you to all the developers of CHDK.
I have just found this group CHDK in the last couple of days & I am very enthusiastic to get started.
I have S2IS f/ware 100g & S5IS f/ware 101b.
I had a lot of trouble finding the Firmware number, but thanks to "ACID" it was a dream once I found you.
I am now making a mini-usb remote shutter release.
Has anyone gone down the path of using a multi-button mouse to operate the camera ? Such as 1/2 press auto-focus, shutter release, zoom in & out, manual focus & macro etc ?



Offline PhyrePhoX

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i dont know how a mouse works in detail, but you have at least these obstacles: where to get power for the mouse? and how to translate the clicks of the mouse into commands ("bursts of power" if you will) CHDK can understand?


Offline colinbm

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Thanks PhyrePhoX
The power would be 3 X 1.5 volt button cells inside the mouse, DIY fashioned.
This is how the mini-usb remote is powered.
How to translate the clicks of the mouse into commands, is what I don't know ?
A usb mouse only has 4 wires too, so it has to understand these "bursts of power" & convert them into comands somewhere ?


Offline PhyrePhoX

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    • PhyreWorX
well, a usb mouse has the usb protocol, it "speaks" with the pc via a driver. the usb protocol is something we cannot control via chdk.


Offline colinbm

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Thanks PhyrePhoX
OK I was hoping, dreaming !
So, using these remote shutter releases, you need to half-press on camera for auto-focus, then use the remote to release the shutter.


Offline colinbm

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Thanks thepanoguy
I started this morning to make a remote shutter release & needed a momentary switch, which I knew the mouse has a few inside. But I didn't want to wreck a mouse for one switch, but it got me wondering about using a mouse on the camera with a mini-usb plug.
I have now got a very limited understanding of the workings of a mouse.
PS/2 & USB mice both only have 4 wires !
Power 5v & ground, data & clock. This is very high tech for me, but I can see something.
So the data & clock gives the code for each button.
I just have to hope this is translateable to CHDK ?? Please.


Offline colinbm

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Just to expand on this, if it is ever possible. A wireless mouse with the receiver plugged into the camera with a mini-usb-dongle, we would be unfetted from our cameras for the shot at least !


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