Hi all!
In order not to revive an old thread, I made a new one...
Here is the bug report:
0000342: Auto Hyperfocal crashes S2 IS
When you set the focus to Hyperfocal, the camera crashes depending on the actual focus override set.
A negative override value is sometimes shown.
Crash recipe:
Start CHDK normally (Play, then Photo)
Set picture mode to Manual (M)
Set focus mode to Manual
Set focus to 12.4-12.9 meters
(As displayed in DOF tool, use an object as manual control is not precise enough)
Set Zoom/Focal length to 36.0-36.9mm (True FL, not EFL)
Set Aperture to 3.5
Set Shutter speed to 1/8
Press the "Shortcut" button to call CHDK Alt mode
Press "Arrow down"
Crash. Camera powered off, lens extended.
This recipe is only to track the root cause, other settings will get the same results.
I wanted a sure-fire crash recipe, it took me much time to find the right focus distances...
Tags: focus override, hyperfocal
Build 0.9.9-894
Camera Type S2 (1.00e, 1.00f, 1.00g, 1.00i)
The old thread is here: